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Chinese lanterns

Andy McK

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This is the bit I dont get.

If I'm seen by the boys in blue, eating a Snickers (Marathon for you older chaps)

while I'm driving a vehicle, I can be prosecuted.

But I can go into the local supermarket and buy incendery devices

and randomly fire them off into the void of uncertanty.

Hopefuly, In view of recent, tragic events on the M5, Councils/Govenment may take note and guide HSE in the right direction.

If anyone reading SGL has a firearms licence, you will know the steps you have to

go through to possess. So why fireworks the the general public.

Licenced shows only please.

Rant over (soz really hate fire)

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Rocket style fireworks are every bit as dangerous as Chinese lanterns. There was a local house caught fire when a firework landed on the roof this year. I'll bet most of the people who think the lanterns should be banned are quite happy to set off rockets :D

not to mention a certain footballer's bathroom :eek:

I agree releasing sky lanterns should be banned or in the very least regulated. Essentially, they are incendiary balloons.

They are banned in some parts of China due to safety concerns (aviation safety and fire hazard) and there are regulations restricting their size and burn time.

I don't understand how they manage to catch on here and go on unregulated.

Unfortunately for us stargazers, in ancient China, these lanterns were originally designed to disrupt observations of opposing army's astrologers and caused errors in their prediction. These lantern are doing the disruption part just fine, but it's a shame the ancient Chinese never realised their astrologers' predictions were never accurate to begin with, and thus the lanterns were completely useless.

I wondered if some of these modern lanterns were released by astrologers in an attempt to find excuses to explain why their prediction were never accurate.

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I am sure the lifeboat volunteers would disagree with you there, Chinese lanterns are constantly mistaken for flares resulting in false call-outs.

You are probably right there. :D

We used to hold a beach party on Anglesey and let off fireworks on the beach. We always informed the coast guard before hand, which beach and what time. Haven't been up there for years though.

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