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The fruits of my labours from the weekend


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Seems like an absolute age since I last posted an image. Weather has been terrible in NI recently. Still was glad of the opportunity at the weekend to try out my new obsy.

As always, comments welcome.

NGC7000 - 29 x 180 sec exposure with dark & flat calibration. I'm pleased with the reds is this, the camera modification looks promising.


M101 - 34 x 180 sec exposure with dark & flat calibration. I've overdone the post-processing with this one, needs re-visited when the astro seeing is better I think.


M45 - 7 x 180 sec exposure with dark & flat calibration. More of a test than anything, wanted to see if the camera mod helped with the nebulosity.


M31 - 48 x 180 sec exposure with dark & flat calibration. This is a work in progress, lots more data to collect but I'm happy with this as a starter. Much better than my early efforts.


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