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White Light and CaK full disks from Sunday


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HI all,

Isnt it amazing how busy this list is on Mondays? Its almost like everyone had a great weeekend shooting then sun and now wants to share! What a great forum this is. Here are my two full disk shots from Sunday moring. Here in Arizona, we normally have pretty clear skies this time of year, but this weekend was huge storms. I had exactly ONE HOUR all weekend long to get the sun in. Lets start with the full disk white light, and then the CaK with the same insrument, which is my Zeiss 80mm f/6. The White light shot is with Astosolar film 5, and the CaK is with the Lunt B600 CaK module. Isnt that monster sunspot magnificent?!



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As usual spectacular images :)

I must admit the weather we had over the weekend was perfect for solar imaging ansd the seeing was pretty good, well it must have been as I was getting good results from single DSLR exposures without any stacking.

May I ask what CaK filter are you using and are you using ND5.0 or ND3.8 solar film.

Fancy trying this myself some time until I can raise the funs for a Ha scope.

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Mark, Im using Baader Astro solar film 5.0, which is actually quite bright for imaging. By adding an SBIG G filter, the contrast on white light is trippled. For the CaK images a Lunt B600 filter module is used.

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