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Astronomy chair...and unrelated stuff....

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What a day.

I had to travel to Dublin to watch the last match of the League of Ireland football season, we play summer soccer. We were second and as it happens, we ended up playing the leader on the last match of the season. 4 mimutes in we're one up. They equalise on 27 minutes. A draw is good enough for them. We need to win to claim the league. 3 minutes into injury time we score, league title in the bag. Fantastic! It was the first time I brought my young fella (10 yr) to an away game. The place went nuts. He was delighted.We left Dublin at 10.30pm for a 3 hr drive home. God bless him, he was so excited he stayed awake until 15mins from home. Great day to share with him.

Now for thr title of the thread. When my wife realised I was off to Dublin, she gave me a shopping list for Ikea. Under normal circumstances, this would not be good. HOWEVER, I found an excellent astronomy chair there. Its a round seat on a swivel that lift/lowers the seat for €16, sturdy but light. Great. As I get back to Cork, the sky was clear, so assembled the chair and it works a treat. I am delighted. Heads up on that for all you chair seeking folk.

Finally, had some problems with collimating my 10". Did it in the garage a couple of nights ago, and when i took it out tonight at about 1.45am, the collination was spot on. Great views of Jupiter and especially M42. M35 looked ok too.

All in all, a great day/night!!

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Bart - do you know what they called it? Going to search online, sounds better than the adjustable ironing chair I was looking at.


Chris, let me have a look and I'll get back to you.


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Chris, I'm afraid I threw the box out. The seat has a code underneath numbered, 602.169.74

I've looked on the website and cant find it for some reason.

I'm having trouble uploading photo, I'll keep trying.


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Chris, Please find photo, strip accross seat is band of velcro to attach cushion, who said astronomy has to be uncomfortable!

Edit - Just noticed front leg obscures the grooved central spindle. You can see it between the seat and the leg support just below, and if you look very closely, you'll just see it below the lower leg support, behind the front leg.

Lowest 43 cm , highest 58 cm. I'm considering if i need to take a few cm off the bottom (for when I'm too impatient to wait for objects to rise high enough) as the highest is plenty high, even at the zenith.



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No problem Chris,

It's definitely really handy and easy to swing around. Easier than the adjustable chair I made, it was pretty good, not pretty and fairly unwieldy. This is light and compact. I only hope my considerable weight, 15.5 stone doesn't take it's toll on the poor thing:blob8:


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