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Saturn 30th April with the 200mm Newt.

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Now this IS confusing. Tonight the Newt. did better than the Frac. Now I don't know what to think.


I used the Skywatcher 200mm newt. collimated to within an inch of it's life, a 4X Imagemate, Toucam and IR+UV blocking filter. Self guided in K3CCD tools.

5 fps. 10% gamma, full saturation.

Captain Chaos

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Not really qualified yet to give an opinion CC, but could bright moonlit sky have a bearing.

My coat is handy, just give a grunt if you want me to get it. Not a great deal to comment on other than the cold looking blue colour.

There is plenty of detail in the rings and the atmosphere.

Ron. :D

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As a male, I'm not qualified to comment on colour. :D I think I probably had the blue slider a shade too high, but that can be reapired in Photoshop. My consternation at this beastly planet is ongoing, as I always seem to struggle to get any detail in the rings and the disc markings. This is a quick and dirty process to throw another image out there in the quest for the best 'scope for imaging planets. On some days I can get the Frac. to work better than the Newt., but today has reversed the trend.

Captain Chaos

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Nice one :D

Funny that, I took some farewell AVI's of Saturn tonight as it's now

going behind next door's roof.

Turned out fairly good in the bright moonlight.

Don't think you can come to much conclusion this season CC, old saturn's

been proving a variable and tricky target...

Bring on Jupiter 8)

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