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Western Veil in Ha, a reduced scope Summer project


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My grand plan this Summer was a NB mosaic of the Western Veil - some hope:(. Indeed, I ended up struggling to get even the Ha and had to resort to salvaging data I would normally bin. Having said that I'm reasonably pleased with the way this has turned out. The less ambitious plan for next year is to get some Oiii.

So, a 3 pane mosaic, roughly 5 hours for each pane with a mixture of 10 and 5 minute subs.

Aquisition: WO Megrez 72 with 0.8x, Atik 314L, MaximDL.

Processing: PI for calibration and stacking, Registar and PS for putting it all together.

The full sized image can be viewed here

Comments always welcome



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This is a splendid result, your processing has really brough out Pickering's Triangle very strongly, tendrils from PT are glorious. With the 2 narrowbands (Ha+O3) or just an RGB with Ha this will be really beautiful. Don't bin any of the narrowbands as it does not work just use longer subs.


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Excellent and very deep result....treat it as a project over a couple of years....looking forwards to next years addition!

I agree with the comments above regarding binning narrowband.....it'll wreck your stars.



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Thanks all

...... Don't bin any of the narrowbands as it does not work just use longer subs.

Definitely - I have tried binning and not done very well so I avoid it now.

..... Which of the exposuretimes works best for you?

I much prefer 10 mins. I only took the 5 mins because my polar alignment was not good enough for longer:( This has happened for my last few outings so I will have to check the polar scope hasn't moved in the mount. (Or perhaps I just can't see straight anymore!)


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