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Another go..


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I managed to have another go at the Sun today and this is the result. I am using baarder solar film on a WO zenithstar 70 with a 1000d at prime focus. This is a first go at stacking in registax 5.1. I have never used registax before and therefore have very little idea what I am doing other than winging it..:D

I am curious to know if it is possible to achieve a better focus with the kit I am using. I seem to be struggling to get it sharp and have over sharpened the image with wavelets looking for something better.

I processed it as a black and white and then tried to colour it up a little in CS2 and would appreciate a guider for this if possible please as I am not very happy with my resulting colour. I used warmify in photofilter and its a bit green.

Oh its 50 frames, for some reason registax stacked the lot even though I had quality set at 95..

Any comments and tips welcomed...thanks.


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Great picture!

I would try to use less wavelets as you seem to be getting a few artifacts coming through. Also if you can stack around 200-400 frames you will find you get a better quality image, but trying to get good focus and good seeing is key. It's a great start, this is what the solar challenge is all about :D


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