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Looking through rose tinted specs or a filter at least

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Hi Guys and dolls,

As a newbie who is really happy with my new scope I am asking advice as to what filter/filters would be best to buy. I have the 300P 12 inch Dob (Great bit of kit) and that came with a 25 & 10 Plossl lens's, I have purchased a good quality Barlow that is x1.5/2 so am happy with lens's and Barlow for the time being.

I am interested in viewing planets and DSO, also the sun (I'll ask about solar filters later)

So far I've worked out I could do with a moon filter to cut down on brightness but that's it. Viewing from the back of the house I'm not too light polluted, so I don't require pollution filter, also would I be better off buying your suggestions in the singular or in a kit form.

Thanks in advance

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As a general rule I wouldn't buy any 'kits' of anything and would always buy what I wish to use as a single item. This allows for you to select particular brands that have a track record in a given area and its inevitable that with these kit purchases there will always be filters that you never use which then devalues the advantage of buying the selection in the first place. The only exception would be eyepieces of a particular range where a decent discount (....and nice case!) can be had and where you know you would get full use from the range of focal lengths in your scope(s). I use a baader light pollution filter on planets as for me, it helps tease out a little more detail - though I wouldn't buy one specifically for this function only.


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I think a moon filter is a must, an ND96 0.09, a neutral density filter. I would also recommend nebula filters such as the UHC and OIII filters, I use the Sky Watcher ones and they are very good. I don't use specific colour filters myself as I prefer not to use them as have not seen any particular advantage in them on planets.

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Thank you very much, I'll have a browse now and get them ordered. For now I think (once they come) I'll have everything I need. Just for fun I wonder if they make a cloud filter, as I've had the scope for close to a week and we've only had 20 or so minutes without the dreaded white stuff.

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