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My first time viewing the heavens!!


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For the past few years I have REALLY been wanting to purchase a decent scope and spend some time viewing the sky. As most of you come to find out the fragile balancing act of kids, work, bills and everyday chores it can be very difficult. The last few months I decided that I was going to finally get a scope and do some viewing. Just this past weekend I purchased a Celestron Powerseeker 127EQ off of Craigslist for $30.00 Its only a year old and the gentlemen said he had only used it once!! Tonight was the first clear night here in South Jersey and so I got it out set it up. I can not even begin to describe how impressed I was. The details of the moon were incredible. I found Jupiter focused in and I could not believe what I was seeing! The eye pieces are the best but I could see it. I ran inside got my wife to show her too. I realized not long after that the four "stars" that were perfectly lined up next to Jupiter were is moons!!


The best thirty dollars I think I have ever spent.

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Congratulations on your observations and also on your bargain purchase. I reckon that you'll never forget the experience of your first planet be it Jupiter or for me, Saturn (...you've that pleasure to come!) They don't call it space for nothing and so there's plenty of other stuff to see of which one appearing in our skies now which is the constellation of Orion. Of particular interest is a little bit of nebulosity called M42 which appears within Orion's sword. I won't say too much but I think you will need to get the family outside and seated before you show them that! :(:D

Clear skies :)


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Thank You ALL!!! I think 2 draw backs I have are 1. I live about 6 miles from Philadelphia so the light pollution is bad and 2. The eye pices are no that good but its a start and now Im eager to get out and have some more fun!!

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