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Alternative to HEQ5 Pro Synscan


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Being awkward, and inclined to believe that the most common option is not always the best, I'm looking for suggestions for an alternative to the HEQ5 - not because I think it's a bad mount - but because I reckon sometimes the best option gets over looked.

I'm looking to replace my EQ3-2 and want something solid I can hook an autoguider up to later.. the budget would go up to £800.00

Any suggestions? What are peoples thoughts on the Meade LX80 out in January - worth waiting for?

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Why rock the boat, or indeed make your life more difficult than it need be? The HEQ5 Pro is tried, tested and trusted mount, it just works straight out of the box.

That was my thought when I upgraded from a CG5GT because I couldn't get the bloomin thing to guide when I started imaging.

As for the Meade LX80, time will tell I think, but it will have to be pretty special to knock the HEQ5 from its perch IMO.


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Cheers Gary..

It reassures me that folk hold the mount in such high regard and I think you're probably right.. It's just that I wasn't terribly impressed with my EQ3-2 - I know you just can not compare the two, but it does worry me a little that they will have been through the same quality control.. The HEQ5 is a bit expensive to be disappointed in.. I'm sure it'll be a very fine steed for my Explorer 150P and will give me ample room to upgrade my scope - I just that I like to know my options.

My DSLR is a Pentax, my PCs are all AMD rather than Intel and my phone is an Android rather than that Apple thing.. I guess I'm just a bit contrary.

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lol, I have a 8" F4 newt with a zs66 on its back on my HEQ5 and it handles it no problem, so far. I do need 3 counter weights though.

My dslr is a Canon, my Astro lappy is a Gateway and I dont like ANY of those Apple thingies.....

You wont be disappointed in the HEQ5, compared to a EQ3 its not even the same species. If you are at all apprehensive buy it from FLO, they will look after you in the unlikely event you have a problem with it.


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The unspoken truth is the Skywatcher EQ3 and EQ5 are Chinese copies of the Japanese-made Vixen GP and GPD mounts. Unfortunately for Vixen they are rather good copies but the Vixen's are still superior in build quality and, probably, performance too. (The GPD2 will accept the Skywatcher Synscan GOTO upgrade kit intended for the EQ5). The Skywatcher HEQ5 Syntrek and PRO mounts are benchmarks at their price, you won't find a better mount, but if you have deeper pockets and fancy owning something more sophisticated consider the Vixen SXW or SXD mounts.


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The viable £800 alternative to the HEQ-5 is the EQ-6 Syntrek.

Yes, as stated the Synta mounts are clones of the Vixen but the Vixen of the same payload happens to be fifteen hundred quid. Better most certainly but not sure £1k better.

I think the good thing about the Synta ones is that despite issues they do keep updating their gear, often month to month so problems, major at least, get whittled out.

What is true is that what you get for a relatively cheap amount is a bit of kit worthy of building an observatory around and not a "best you can do" bit of kit.

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From an imaging perspective, the ability to synchronise the HEQ5 and the NEQ6 mounts to EQMOD software to help monitor tracking accuracy, mosaic management, to enable GOTO on an interface such as Stellarium etc is another big reason to adopt the tried and tested synta mounts. One other more general point. Should anything go wrong, or you want or need to modify or enhance the mount's performance or simply require a better understanding on its function or maintenance, the fact that nearly everyone else has the same mount out there will be worth its weight in gold due to the support and help that is out there be it on here or within a specialised Yahoo group. If I had a pound for every alignment query that i have answered I could afford to get another Neq6!


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[...] the fact that nearly everyone else has the same mount out there will be worth its weight in gold due to the support and help that is out there be it on here or within a specialised Yahoo group.


This. For me, the fact that the HEQ5 and EQ6 are almost ubiquitous was a major reason why I went for my EQ6. I've bought enough worthy but ultimately niche bits of (non-astro related) technology over the years to appreciate this point well :). Buying into a popular and widely used brand always has its upsides, whether it is simply support, or the broad and deep ecosystem that naturally grows around a popular product. EQMod is just one such example of a fine product available for the HEQ5/EQ6.

Conversely, in my own experience, buying worthy but non-standard kit meant I was always paying higher prices, had less choice, less support, desirable 3rd party add-ons that may come to market for competing products did not appear for my chosen brand and so on.

It was an expensive lesson to learn, but I'm getting better though ... I try not to buck the trend just for the sake of it anymore ... :)

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Thanks guys

More more likely to go for the HEQ5. I've been snooping around and there is a lot more support from third parties than for any other brand/model.

I have found some advantages to bucking the trend - the problems you encounter will teach you lessons about about the equipment you own and the what it is doing. We (generally) have developed an "appliance" mentality toward much of the high tech kit we furnish ourselves with. Not that I think that applies here, obviously - but even in just looking at my options I've learnt a great deal about what guided EQ mounts do, how and why.

Looks like my decision is made though.. I really appreciate the input - cheers

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