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Camera out of Focus

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I hope this is the right section. As a complete newcomer to astrophotography I'm not sure what to do to solve an issue I have with focusing my camera when it's mounted on my telescope.

I have a Skywatcher 114 reflector and a DSLR camera. The connections go as follows: camera, T-ring and connector that screws onto the T-ring. I then place these into a 1.25" Barlow which is then slotted into the scope's viewfinder.

Now, when I turn the 'focus wheel' the object in my camera's viewfinder comes slowly into focus, but just as it's about to show a clear image, I can't turn the focus wheel any more and the image stays blurred.

Do I need a longer Barlow or extender tube, and if so, what would you recommend?

Many thanks in advance :)

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I fear your problem is you can't get the camera "in" enough, not "out", can you verify this?

An extension tube won't solve this, a Barlow will most likely, but then you're always going to working at 2x the natural magnification.

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Yes, that's essentially the problem. I have a Skywatcher 1145P scope.

Thanks for your reply.

Barlow it is then :) For a bang for buck budget, try and find a TAL 2x.

Unless you are prepared to undertake moving the primary mirror up the tube ....

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I hope this is the right section. As a complete newcomer to astrophotography I'm not sure what to do to solve an issue I have with focusing my camera when it's mounted on my telescope.

I have a Skywatcher 114 reflector and a DSLR camera. The connections go as follows: camera, T-ring and connector that screws onto the T-ring. I then place these into a 1.25" Barlow which is then slotted into the scope's viewfinder.

Now, when I turn the 'focus wheel' the object in my camera's viewfinder comes slowly into focus, but just as it's about to show a clear image, I can't turn the focus wheel any more and the image stays blurred.

Do I need a longer Barlow or extender tube, and if so, what would you recommend?

Many thanks in advance :)

Are you running out of inwards or outwards focusser travel ?


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Thanks kh3ldar, I'll give it a go.

Hi Cornelius, I'm running out of inward focus. So, for instance, if I have Jupiter in my viewfinder it starts out as a huge blob, but as I focus in it starts to get smaller and *almost* comes into focus but not quite.

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Using a barlow should allow you to reach focus if you don't have sufficient inwards travel. You have already got a barlow in the image train but the camera is still not close enough. You need to get the camera closer by trying a barlow with a built in t-thread or moving the primary mirror up the tube by using longer collimation and retaining bolts.


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