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Jupiter Sept 29th best of a bad bunch :-/

Space Cowboy

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Was not sure if it was going to be worth posting anything from this morning but this one is at least proof that I was up at 4am lol.

Seeing was poor very mushy with low transparency giving very dark images as if through thin cloud plus an annoying breeze.

2000 stack from 10000+ 60fps@ 1/61 sec.

Auto Dob+DFK and 5x Powermate giving f30.

This will be my last early morning Jupiter excursion as its now falling to less favorable altitude.


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That image may not up to your usual high standards, but it still has quite a lot of detail and I don't think there is much anyone can do in the conditions you describe. Still, it is nice for me to know what Jupiter looked like after I had called it a night and was in my bed fast asleep.



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I have got hold of a SPC900NC from ebay and modified it. I have a 5x Powermate. I am going to have a go at Jupiter and if I get anything like your shot I will be more than delighted.

The webcam thing obvioulsy works but until I experience it for myself I will be sceptical as the visual observing through the 5x Powermate is blumming awful.

Thanks for sharing your image.


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Not terrible considering what your having to deal with, its easy to see with things working in your favour that the slighly dark mushy thing you mention would dissapear. So not your fault, you done the best possible i think, processing looks good, and the shot itself actually isnt that bad, many would die for that stuart, but thats what happens when you improve your game and start thinking about those shots you know are possible with your setup. well worth posting i think

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Cheers guys! Just frustrating when we have cloudless skys first time in months and then the seeing is a dogs dinner! Almost seems like patchy cloud produces better conditions.

I would not take any notice of what the powermate produces through the eyepiece Steve its probably too much magnification. Imaging is a totally different ball game where magnification can go much higher without the same ill effects.

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Thats still a good image Stuart despite the non too favourable conditions , these last few nice days of weather have been great for no clouds but from my location the atmosphere has not been very stable so i know what you mean .

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