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Can it cope with it?

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I have an 8" Meade SCT currently on an EQ5 Pro Synscan, and I also hang a Nikon D3100 hanging off the business end. Thoughts of autoguiding have ocurred to me with a view to getting an ST-80 for the purpose. I already have a ADM mini dovetail on my SCT and some 100mm rings with long mounting screws, but my question is will my OTA, camera, guidscope and big Baader EP's / flip mirrors etc overload the poor old EQ5?

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I think trying long exposure imaging with that setup is asking for trouble, it's far too much weight on the mount. I've just been out with my EQ5 and my Skymax 180 and it's just about alright for visual and a bit of high framerate imaging.


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I think the EQ5 is gonna struggle with the 8" SCT for imaging, the weight and, the long focal length add up to push the mount harder. If you're wanting to do some deep sky long exposure, then why not use the camera and lenses for some widefield ? My HEQ5 can deliver me 5 minute unguided exposures with a 50mm prime on my SLR.

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