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First night out with some of the new kit


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A time and back saving tip from a few guys here for polar alignment worked a treat last night, by beaming a green laser through the polar scope I was able to get Polaris within the reticule without even bending down. Also overlaid the laptop screen with primary red filter gel used for theatrical lighting to save my night vision and it worked very well.

I even managed to get some observing done before the clouds rolled in. Started off in M45 Pleiades, where I got nice view from the piggy backed ST80 at 25mm, had to adjust the 150P a little at this point, then slewed round to M31 using Stellarium, it was nice and bright in my 150P at 18mm, I can't wait to get my DSLR staring at that one. NGC 884 Double Cluster was next, followed by M39 Open Cluster. So far so good, so I thought I would have a go at Uranus, after a click of the mouse and Ctrl-1, the telescope slewed round to reveal.... well nothing, either Gru from Despicable Me has been out with his shrink ray again, my polar alignment was out or it was just too faint for my 150mm Newt. Maybe next time, the clouds were rolling in and I had to be up early.

Loving the NEQ6, solid as a rock. But the decision of what OTA to put on it is killing me!

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the eyes react the same to white and red light, and red light does not save night vision nice report,i no this because when in the forces red light was a no no blue or green yes red no

Well even if all it did was make the screen a whole lot dimmer, it helped :glasses2:

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