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A WOW Moment


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Been 2 weeks since any chance of viewing and with 80% cloud and winds at 40/50mph was not hopeful for tonight, but decided to get the scope out and take a chance.

I had put the OTA out to cool down and was starting to set everything together. It was about 8:30pm and not quite dark

Had a look up as the clouds were moving fast and stars were coming and going all over the place. Could see a large break in the clouds so waited for it to clear Altair so i could get a rough idea as to where it was.

As the sky cleared I got Altair and deneb and then it happened.

At first i thought it was a plane on fire it looked so close, The fire trail started just to the south of Altair and was about one hand width long, it was going North and passed just to the west of Deneb before it faded. I have seen plenty of shooting stars(is that the right name) but this one was hugh.

A truly WOW moment. As the chances of the sky being clear at that exact mement must have been 1,000,000 to 1

Just makes this Hobby so worth while

Did anybody else see it

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Hi valleyman

I was trying out my new grab & go at about 9:45 I saw something similar but not from that direction . I was looking at the full moon (eyes only) and a meteor flew past it heading SE. Really orange tail but only lasted a couple of seconds

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Checked Stellerium this morning and it could have been a reflection from Satalite Midori 2 as that was over head at about the same time, but I am pretty sure it was a metoerite as there was a flame trail that stretched a lomg way and burnt out

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It really does make it so worthwhile, those little moments you weren't expecting.. I always feel that way when I see a meteorite or even a satellite going across my FOV... which did happen to me last Saturday looking at Neptune - I was using a fairly high powered piece when it streaked across the view, it actually made me jump! And same thing I thought... what are the chances of it being in that very area of the sky at the very moment I was looking? It does constantly amaze me :)

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