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So this setup needs what more ?

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I am gonna buy a HEQ5 PRO GOTO as mount. Put my SW 130 on it and an SW Evostar ED80 DS on top.

Thinking of using the 9x50 finderscope as guide with the QHY5 - Guide camera or maybe I will have to buy a cheap 80 refractor.

In the beginning I will use my SPC900 cam for imaging but will save up for something better in time.

I need a fieldflattener for the ED80.

So what more would you recommend I get for imaging ?

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The special pattern of slots in the mask gives the stars "spikes", similar to what a reflectors spider does in some images.

It's about getting these spikes focused in a particular "criss-cross" pattern, to determine if the star is in focus or not.

You don't focus on the mask itself :)

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You don't need a field flattener till you get the larger format camera because the webcam chip is so tiny. For imaging I think you'd be better to take the 130 off the mount and just have the 80 (or 80 plus guidescope) on board for stiffness, lightness and for avoiding wind sails.

People seem to get finder guiders to work though I've never tried one.


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