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Which type of telescope offers large OTA focal length

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Can someone please tell me which type (and, ideally, brand) of OTA offers a reasonable balance of focal length to price?

I understand that Newtonians are the cheapest to produce, but they seem to have quite short OTA focal lengths, and I'd like something longer for better magnification.



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Don't get too hung up on focal length Mark, you need aperture to make effective use of the magnification you get from a scope. You can alway Barlow a Newt to increase the focal length but you can't increase the aperture of a scope with a small primary mirror/ lens.

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the responses.

I'm currently bouncing lots of kit ideas around in my head, hence my current posting frenzy.

My current target is Saturn. Visual observing, not photographing. Of course, I've left it a bit late in the season.

I've only just realised that my 6" Newt only has ~750mm focal length. So, it's an f/5 scope, needing tight collimation. Oh goody :D

My smallest fl eyepiece is a cheap 10mm Celestron (came with an 80GTL), that I use successfully with a Vixen Barlow. I don't know the Barlow's power - guess I should work it out through drift timings or something. Of course, a new eyepiece is in the pipeline, but being tied to my spectacles implies something expensive so that I get decent eyerelief. Not researched that yet.

Recently visited an astro club for the first time (Wilmslow, Manchester). Really helpful bunch. One guy (Mike Cook - big thanks!), taught me how to collimate the scope. I'd completely stuffed my secondary alignment! While talking OTAs he proposed that a long fl 8" SCT would be useful for, in effect, cutting through my heavy light polution by limiting fov. Sounded counterintuitive at first. Am open to opinions.

Don't worry, I am aware that practical magnification is limited by aperture (upto 50 x aperture in inches). See, I've been doing my homework :D

So many variables (OTA, mount, ep), so many choices. Too many choices! It's really doing my head in :D Maybe I should just stick to chess? Hmm, do I want to play white, or black. I know - flip a coin :lol:

Pass the asprin!


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Another thing to remember is that every time you double the magnification of an object you make it 4 times fainter. Its a bit of a balancing act, don't think I'm trying to put you off long focal length scopes but they don't tend to make good all rounders. The OMC that Gordon mentioned is an example thats scope is pretty much limited to the Moon, the planets and double stars, its a specialised scope.

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Thanks for all the advice.

I'm in the process of buying a Televue 3x Barlow from astrobuysell. Impulse buy this morning. I blame lack of sleep :D

A new mount is certainly my primary concern, and I've received lots of good advice from y'all in a different thread. Hardest bit is making the choice - wifey has actually given me a green light to spend :shock:

Was playing with my old Celestron NexStar 80GTL last night. Had lots of fun with the goto but it wobbled sooo much every time I sneezed! Focussing was a nightmare, waiting for the vibrations to stop, but it reconfirmed my desire for a motorised mount. And possibly goto.

Hmm, HEQ5 vs CG5-goto... :?

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