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Locating Messier Objects

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I'm currently in Kuala Lumpur for a Month with work and have my Bino's'and Messier book with me. To all intents and purposes im on the equator. Obviously i've got the laptop so stellarium as well.

Is there an easy formula i can use to figure out whether i should be able to see certain Messiers based on the RA/DEC values in the book and my latitude.

I guess i could trawl through each one and view it in Stellarium at an optimum time etc etc etc. Im just wondering if there is a more precise way.

My goal is to get some ones that i would not normally see from the UK.

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Using Stellarium sounds like a sensible plan to me. I'd have thought that since you're still (marginally) north of the equator you'd be able to see pretty much the same as everyone else, though you'll have a poorer view of the northerly objects and a much better view of the more southerly ones.

Certainly those around Ophiucus, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Scutum are where I'd think about starting.


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