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is any one doing the UCLAN university distant learnin


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I've done a set of their level one courses (Intro to Astro, Cosmology, History of Astronomy, Sun and Earth Climate... plus the affiliated Jodrell Bank Radio Astronomy course and a short course in Galaxies from Liverpool John Moores.

I cannot recommend them too highly. The courses are well thought out and the help is freely available, reassuring and very competent. My academic background, originally, was in literature, history and philosophy so could not have been further from astronomy. However, I found I loved every minute of these courses.


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thanks olly im considering (due to funds really) doing 3 modules, and then do next 3 year after

my current backround is in chemistry, biology history and computer science (with heavy towards the computing) i always loved physics but what always brought me down was the same as what i was bad at for chemistry..... the maths and equations

whats the course like - set like is it assignment, exams or is there lots or few?

their website dosent really say much (like most university websites really)

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It is mostly question-answer coursework, a set of questions to be answered at the end of each module. There are equations to be worked through but certainly on level one the maths is only GCSE level.

Jodrell's course was the hardest. It started benignly enough and then surrepticiously changed gear! There were PhD physicists doing it and they found some of it tough so you can guess what it was like for me!


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i sent a email to them (as at the time i was hoping that i could do 1 or 2 now and pick up one or 2 later on in the year as funds got better or even pay 3 termly) but sadly it dosent appear that thats the case :icon_scratch:

im glad the maths didnt seem that bad

i sent them a email (as im.... sort of in work atm) and see what they say :)

if u dont mind me asking hippyh which modules are you taking?

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You dont have a choice. You start at the beginning and work through, as I understand it. AA1051- Intro to astronomy.

Just doing one for now, just to see what its like. Having trouble finding the text book at the moment.

  • Universe, 9th edition by R.A.Freedman, W.J. Kaufmann III and R. Geller; W H Freeman, 2010; ISBN-13: 978-1-429-23153-4; ISBN: 1-4292-3153-X.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi garethmon,

I am in my third year of doing the uclan. Just about to start earth, sun and cimate course.

With respect to the degree, they have only just opened it up to anyone because of the changes to the student fees. Which is good news, because the idea is the course fees should be considerably lower than those who start the course from next year !!!

Well, I could recommend them enough. I have done the introduction to astronomy and introduction to cosmology. Both courses are super.

Also, they do a weekend on-site where you can meet up with fellow students and tutors. I learn't a lot that weekend...*highly* recommended. Visit...

Study Astronomy

Good luck and enjoy :)



ps. you are mad wanting to do 3 courses. I think 2 would be managable.

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i dont know yet i assume the first 2 main ones really (only had the cash for 2:( ) they havent emailed me back with anything yet so im going to ring up after i finish work tomorrow to find out!

which ones do you recomend for the beginer?

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I would think the two introductory modules; astronomy and cosmology would be the best places to start. They compliment each quite well and form a good foundation to the other modules.

I would say that there would be quite a bit of work involved doing both.

You will certainly enjoy them :)

best of luck,


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ok guys, just noticed the reading list

Norton's star atlas and reference handbook: (epoch 2000.0) - Norton, Arthur P., Ridpath, Ian, c1998


Universe - Freedman, Roger A., Geller, Robert M., Kaufmann, William J., c2011

on nortons, if any one has it whats the difference between that and the triatlas?

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  • 3 months later...
I'm not currently - but I'm looking at starting next year now! Thanks for the thread and links! :)

Me too :D Going to start with Intro to Astro and see how that goes.

Found the fees are waiverd for me, my NHS salary is pish and luckily they dont take my partners into consideration :D

My background is biomedical and science communication - and very little physics and maths!

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