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I'm currently in the USA in Tucson so I had to visit Starzonia while I was here. Big mistake! I chatted for hour about equipment with the very friendly people there, especially the hyper star system. Doesn't really suit my c8 with a dslr, too much blockage. Could use it with my h16, but then effectively mono only. Best would be to buy a m25, or c9.5 or bigger, but then more £! But I can get it at $ price, F/2, 15s exposures! Arghh, must stay sensible. Here for another two days to let it eat away at me!

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I believe focusing was absolutely knife-edge as well.

I see a few people imaging with fastar systems, but not enough to make me think that it's a "must have" astrophotography setup. If you only want one scope and would like to be able to use it for planetary and DSO photography then perhaps it's an option, but perhaps there are better (for some values of "better") solutions if you're prepared to have several scopes or aren't fussed about the planetary stuff.


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I know! My original plan was to add a larger refractor in the 900mm range and carry on with my existing imaging kit. But being in the shop with the designer is just too much temptation, and at $ prices! But that's the dark side speaking and I will resist!

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