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alignment help

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need help last night i set up my scope pointed it to what should have been polaris this was done throught polaris alignment scope then i did 3 star alignment then this is were the problems start programred it to go to m57 and scope moved and pointed to the floor ? and the same with m13. long and lat was entered correct and date/time scope was lvl .the other thing i was confused with was looking at star chart showed draco below ursa minor well this put my north well to northeast yet my north is lvl with a compass i guess iam lost in space ...how ever did see loads of lovely stars on my first night out.

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well thought i did i read tones and watched loads of tutorials on this just dont get it the only thing i may have done wrong is in polaris is a small circule that says polaris on i centred it on that ? but dont get why draco is north west if its ment to be north .

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im not the best person to speak to about this but i will try and help you as much as i can. so when polaris is in transit it goes around the NCP, at about 10:30 when i polar align its at about the 10 o'clock postion did make sure that yours matched this postion in you polar scope. but thinking about it polar alignment is mainy for tracking objects so the porblem is probaly down to your 3 star alignment procedure. you thought draco was north of you i have just checked its a big constilation when you do your 3star aligment does it say succesful or poor?

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3 star alignment said succesful but there was no stars in ep .as for polaris on the alignment were it shows the curcle polaris you are saying it should be say at 10 position not on it sorry for all the questions and thankyou for helping me.

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its ok when i started a few months ago i was asking all the questions just glad to sort of of help you out. when you pick your first star are centering it in the eyepiece before pressing enter?

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you have to make sure its the right one, the right one will be the the brighest one,it does have to be in the centre and you have to do that with all 3. i find the star in the veiwfinder which then shows the star in my eyepiece the i centere it and do the same for the next 2 stars.

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Did you just point the scope at polaris or did you point the mount. A lot of newbies fail to realise that it's the mount you are polar aligning (not the scope). Using a compass point the mount north as best you can get it, and set the altitude scale to your latitude on earth using the latitude adjustment bolts front and aft of the mount.

Then get the scope parallel to the mount and lock the clutches. Using only the latitude and azimuth adjustment bolts, find polaris in the pre-aligned finder scope. The finder and main tube must be pre-aligned (best done in daylight using a distant object like a church spire tip or pylon one or 2 miles away).

If you can confirm all that we'll take it from there :)

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good morning brantuk yes did all the above ie mount not scope and tripod was leveld useing a compass .thankyou for takeing the time to help me it seems no matter how much you read there is still more to learn.

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Your'e welcome Tony :)

Ok so now we need to manually center the tube on polaris - you should see it somewhere in the finder, center it, then use a 25mm (or near) eyepiece to center it in the scope (re-center fnder if needed) and we're ready to switch on for handset alignment.

One star is ok so long as you don't use polaris but I use two star ensuring both are in the same quarter of sky. Assuming all the settings are correct as mentioned above with melibum, choose two star align, and when it tells you, move to your first star use the arrows to do so. Center in finder, then center in scope, and it should ask for the next star to align.

Once you've chosen one it shoud slew there automatically and beep at the end. If it goes anywhere else then just move it manually with the arrows and center up in finder and tube as before and it should be aligned. Now when you choose a goto star - if it doesn't move to where you expect, then there's something wrong in the settings.

Give it a whirl and I'll stand by for your results :)

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hi hemihaggis

yes for daylight saving minutes and sec for cords and use a boat level for lvl just dont understand i have read so many books on this guess pratice makes perfect ?

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