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William Optics FLT-132 APO

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Drool :)



I've been doing alot of browsing lately and have pretty much decided on a C9.25 OTA for an all-rounder but I'd love to own one of these refractors. Decent refractors have certainly come down in price since I was last active in astronomy but at over £2500 this is still a bit beyond my 'planned' budget (but I suspect that plan will fall to pieces when I start buying gear)

Is anyone planning on getting one of these beauties or are there any affluent owners on here?

ps. can I borrow it? :)

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The mechanics of WO is really superb, the little ZS66 is a thing of beauty. Now there is a ZS110 on ebay from F1 cameras. If only I had the spare dosh, trouble is I'd have nothing to put it on, I guess hand holding isn't going to be all that good!



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