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Venus 22-3-07


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Managed to get my 1st decent view of Venus this aparition earlier this evening with the ED80. I set the scope up just after the sun had set but there was still plenty of light in the sky. I found Venus with binoculars below the crescent moon then had a look through the scope using an 8mm Tele Vue plossl (75x) and barlowed (150x). The planet was at around 60% phase and I could see that the terminator was less well defined than the limb. I thought I might have glimpsed vague shadings on the planet but nothing I could be sure of. As the light faded the planet quickly became to dazzling and the definition was lost.

Still it was nice to have a glimpse of the cloud tops of the "hell planet" !. I'd love to know what the Earth looks like from Venus :)

Observing while there is still a quite lot of light in the sky is a good tip with Venus and it works for Jupiter to some extent as well.


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Still it was nice to have a glimpse of the cloud tops of the "hell planet" !. I'd love to know what the Earth looks like from Venus :)

You wouldn't be able to see it because the sulfuric acid rain would dissolve your telescope.

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Good points WH and Gaz - apart from being crushed, melted, corroded by sulphuric acid rain, not being able to see through the clouds and the distortions created by the thick poisonous atmosphere, Venus is a great place to observe from right ? - I mean no bothersome trees and streetlights :) :)


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