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Which camera to get?

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Webcam for planets and moon - The SPC880 is a favoured choice and very good value for money right now.

For dso's you can make a good start with a DSLR - possibly s/h for good price.s I use the 350D and 1000D but there are others.

HTH :)

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Hi Manock101.

I have only been imaging for a short time but Having read some of the posts on SGL, for DSO's you need a camera that will take long exposures and a good solid motorized mount the camera of choice seems to be the Cannon 1000d DSLR, for the Planets and the Moon a modified webcam will suffice such as the Philips 880 flashed to a 900.

May I suggest go to the imaging page or the equipment help page for more in depth explanations.

hope this helps.

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You can't do deep sky with short exposures. This means that the key bit of the setup is the mount.

On the other hand, fast frame cameras (webcams and super-webcams) don't need high precison tracking for the solar system objects.


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