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Two galaxies overhead at the moment


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Finally some clear dark skies before midnight!

Two targets..Carte du ciel charts ready..Recently glued together finder ready...

A bit damp but skies clear so out comes the dob pointing pretty much straight up...

First target NGC 6824 at the edge of Cygnus..Picked up pretty easily in the 17mm Hyperion lens..Moved up to the TMB 6mm and the galaxy is a small oval shape near a double star. It did nead averted vision but was a fine object..especially given its location in a milky way constellation.

So on to a tougher challenge. NGC 6796..Not even on my taki atlas and not in the skiff and louginbruhl galaxy book..but looked bright in a trawl through the NGC galaxies on the web...Nothing in the 17mm but with averted vision in the 6mm the slither of light was definitely their..Formed one side of a sqaure of stars...RV is 2310 so closer than 6824 presumably with a RV of 3563..

So I am up to 477 galaxies..500 by Christmas?:BangHead:

Clear skies everyone.


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