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horrific inujury to mount

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last night my mount fell over as i took the ota off.

the dec drive suffered the blow, and part of the worm gear that the drive attaches to has sheered off and slightly bent.

typical as ever since ive had the mount ive wanted to fabricate some sort of metal enclosure for the dec drive to protect it :)

having mulled over it a day, ive decided the best plan would be to drill a small hole (~2-3mm diameter) through each piece of the worm gear, (lengthways 'into' the gear along the axis), then fill with epoxy resin and thread a small thin double headed screw-thread into one piece, then screw the other piece on - thus fabricating an internal plate between the two pieces, with bonding strength to boot from the epoxy.

Is there anything ive missed, or shoudl or shouldnt do, or in fact a better method?

Ive thoguth about leaving it since the other wide is ok so with a bit of pushing and shoving i could attach the drive to the other side, but id rather have both sides good again.

pics attached to auid explanation :)





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Hello Tom. Sorry to read of your mishap. What you suggest would be a "fix" but I think you would be hard put to achieve the necessary concentricity for the gear to run properly. If you get stuck I should be able to repair it for you on my lathe if you send me the bits.

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peter, thanks for the offer :)

I was afraidm of exactly what you said, especially since the piece that is broken off was bent before it sheered :) but being 'soft' ish brass composite, i was hoping i could remedy this somehow. I can only try.

If not then il just have to jiggle the drive around and use the other side.

I kinda doubt that you can buy this as a spare, and even if you could it would probbaly cost far more than its relative worth.

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I kinda doubt that you can buy this as a spare, and even if you could it would probbaly cost far more than its relative worth.

If you can't repair this bit, you could try to find a cheap EQ5 on ebay etc for donor parts... they come up relatively frequently, and the manual ones (all you need) aren't too expensive.

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