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Some more Messiers


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Tonight I spotted M11, M16 (I saw the cluster not the nebulosity), M25 and M82. I could not get M82 and M81 in the same field though - they were to faint and i kept losing track of them in the light pollution. I could have found a lot more messiers but unfortunately buidings got in the way.

M11 is very nice but faint, and low down in intense light pollution.

Of course I visited M27, M57 and M13. Attempts at seeing faint nebulae (Veil, NA) failed even with my UHC filter.

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The Eagle Nebula (M16) is pretty hard with any light pollution.

The veil responds best to an O-III filter, and the North American Nebula requires ink black skies and a RFT or bins to see it.

Congrats on your other observations. M11 is a real beauty of an open cluster and M81/M82 gotta be the finest Galaxy pair in the northern sky.

Regards Steve

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M11 was great but needed a bit more aperture under my skies. The image that sticks in my mind is M82 - unmistakeable and amazing I could see it at all with my LP.

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