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partner shock! (good shock, not bad shock)


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My partner is in in the UK at the moment and keeps surprising me (in a good way). The first thing I heard was: "Ags, you should buy a bigger scope for your birthday." Whooppee!

But last night it was: "Ags, I got you a copy of Astronomy Now, and it is full of backyard observatory builds. We should build one."

I nearly fell off my seat... My partner has always been very encouraging from the very beginning, pushing me to spend a bit of money on myself and buy my current 4SE. But I always look at the prices of astro kit and feel slightly faint and sick at the costs involved. Doesn't stop me from compulsively window-shoppnig though. I keep asking myself why couldn't I have taken up a cheaper hobby like, dunno, gold coin collecting?

It's great to get the support, but I'm not sure about the observatory. I live in the middle of a city, so do I really want to nail all my equipment to the ground, rather than having portable stuff that I can take to dark sites? Do I want to spend the money on a fancy potting shed, or just set up a HEQ5 pier and spend the savings on more stuff that I can actually use, like a PST, DMK and so on.

I think the thing to do will be to cost out the alternatives and see what we think then.

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Hi Ags,

The thing I have learnt is that the price of new kit can be prohibitive. Check out the buy & sell on SGL and astro buy & sell...

Then ask your partner for their credit card!!. Then thank them for their support, i find it also helps to let my partner have a look every now and again at Saturn & Jupiter!.

Good Luck with the purchases.


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Thanks, second-hand is always a good idea but the second-hand market is a bit smaller here in Holland. I will try to pick up some of the pricier and smaller items off the forum. New DMKs are coming out in Autumn, so I hope some of the current crop will come on the used market around that time.

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