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Well tonight I managed to find m51 and m57 but the seeing was terrible! even Saturn was blurry at high power! Oh well better luck tomorrow night hopefully. P.s can any tell me how to find m13 because I've studied star charts for hours and still can not find that damn globular cluster! ;)

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Hi, M13 can still be seen even with the relatively bright skies we have at the moment, I tend to find the keystone in Hercules and just drift down from Eta Herculium about a third the distance between it and Zeta Herculium when using some bins. :D

One thing that is really good about it is that being a globular you can use some high powers with the scope you are using to try and reveal more individual stars around it, its quite a sight! ;)

here's a pic of the general region

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good directions above but some people have made the mistake of searching the head of Draco before which does not contain M13 (or the equally nice but smaller M92) of course but does have a similar shape to the keystone of Hercules, albeit a lot smaller.

Hercules is right overhead in the UK when dark and between Vega and Arcturus.

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true indeed Alan

sometimes here I have problems seeing the keystone! Vega and Arcturus are always OK of course hence I know these guide stars well! :)

well it would be a terrible site if you could'nt see those two major stars! ;) I should also add I do use the bins on some of the more familiar objects to us all so its not always with the go to that I observe this lot :D

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