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Whats the best way to store a telescope


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Just a quick thought really, whats the best way to store a refractor and GEM long term? given the short nights and a sprog due in a month i dont think i will get much of a chance to get the scope out until august/sep.

what is the best way to look after it till then?



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the main enemy of optics etc is damp stale air where fungal growth/rust can be a major problem. you really want somewhere relatively dry and stable in temperature with a good air flow.

my scopes are stored in the house in a corner of our 'office' (room with books, pcs and telescopes in !! nothing so grand as the name implies) and I have never had a problem.

maybe put some sachets of silica gel inside the focuser and cap?

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Probably better to store scopes parallel to the ground - less likelihood of dust or pollen in the air drifting down and adhering to the mirrorred surfaces.

One school of thought is to store sealed with a decent amount of silica gel inside to bring the local humidity down and protecting the scope that way. The other school of thought is to store in the open and well ventilated, to prevent moisture buildup and condensation. Both are acceptable and both can work. Try to prevent insects or spiders for setting up home in the scope!

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