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Envisage and DSI II Help

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I purchased a Meade DSI II secondhand and took it out last night for its first light, it was only when i got to really trying to process the images and worked through an online tutorial again that something struck me.

Is it a MONO camera?

I never even thought to ask before purchasing mainly due to the fact that I'm newbie and and the details didn't mention a filter set.

So the lack of colour in my images and then noticing that Envisage has the MonoChrome box checked and greyed out started me thinking......

The trouble is that there is no filter holder on the camera which makes me think it ISNT a mono.

Am I just being stupid or have I made a schoolboy error and not asked enough about an item before purchasing?

If it is the latter where can i get a filter holder from? meade dont seem to have them and a search on google has proven fruitless so far?

Justin :)

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Hi Justin, when you fire up envisage after connecting the DSI to your PC/laptop, with the cap still on the DSI take an image making sure that the monochrome box is un checked, it's just to the right of the gain slide bar, if the image shows you colour pixels, then click on the Color Button next to the Monochrome check box this will show you colour options, if the color box is greyed out and no options are present and the mono button is greyed out, you have a mono camera.

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The good thing about that is the mono is a lot more sensative than the colour camera x4. You've got a good camera there :), what i would say is get a colour filter wheel rather than the Meade filter slide, the reason is the filters are protected from dew, unlike the filter slide bar which is open to the elements.

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