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Imaging with an HD webcam

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I'm in the market for a HD camcorder and was just wondering if anyone had tried imaging with one? Does anyone know any brand/model number that is particularly light sensitive or has good interactive features and controls when connected to a PC? Not interested in face recognition or other gimicks etc. but must be a capable camcorder as well.

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Hi Terry,

You say webcam but then refer to a camcorder? I assume you mean a webcam as they are the most popular method of imaging with a scope. The Microsoft lifecam cinema HD webcam has been used for imaging but has mixed reviews. No.1 webcam is the philips spc800/900 but thats not HD.

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oops, meant camcorder. I just thought if I'm going to buy a HD camcorder someone might have tried one for imaging or someone might know of a make or model that is particularly good in low light. It might just be an excuse for me to use it for two purposes, family vids and astronomy.

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Unfortunately to do astro-photography you use the webcam (or whatever) with the lens removed. i.e. You focus the image directly onto the camera's sensor. I've not seen a camcorder used for Astro (doesn't mean it hasn't been done!) but I suspect folk don't want to wreck a perfectly good camera to try! The webcams Astro folk use are in the price range of up to about £30 or so - so pulling them apart is not so painful on the wallet if it goes wrong.

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