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things to look at tonight

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Try M13 and M92, the globular clusters in Hercules, and as mentioned, M57 the ring nebula in Lyra. It's between the bottom two stars of the trapezium shape below Vega.

The double double is always with a look, it's the fainter star just sort of left of Vega.

Plenty of Galaxies in Leo to look at too, worth a trawl around to see what's there.

No viewing for me tonight but just sign a magnitude -7 iridium flare which was great


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I like M44, too. If you have dark skies, some of the other Messier objects M3, M53, M64 and M65. Also you have some double stars (Castor if it's not too low, Algieba, Mizar and Alcor, Cor Caroli).

I'm jealous as it's solid grey cloud here in Swansea. :D


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