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Takahashi Sky 90

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Has anyone ever owned this scope?..

Am curious because its a new one on me, its a doublet by all accounts, some call it the Takahashi FCL 90 am I correct?

Any feedback would be gratefully received..:D

The reviews I'm reading are generally based around 2003-2009 and I know APO's and such have greatly improved since then..

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I recently got offered one of these but it was too old for me. They're also only 1.25" which is worth considering.

My research showed they were the biz in their time but most people had sold theirs on when I found posts etc on different forums. Says a lot to me.

There were Gen I and Gen II differences also and people mentioned CA.

Was a bit pricey the one I was offered but probably decent for a TAK :D

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I've seen one in imaging action and I think, like it's owner (who may well chip in), that you can do better these days. It is a doublet and doesn't control the short wavelengths as well as some, at least in my view.

I know Greg and Noel do brilliantly with them but not everyone is Greg or Noel!

At the right price, yes, but the right price is going down all the time as the modern apos get cheaper and better.

Now the FSQ85 on the other hand...


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I have a recent Sky 90, I bought it s/h to use as a solar scope in conjunction with a 90mm Coronado Ha filter but ducked out due to the price of the filter. I eventually added a PST mod arrangement which has given excellent results overall but it is not the best donor. A a scope it is pretty good, the doublet has a flourite component which gives a kind of crisp image that no other material seems to give. It stands high magnification well and exhibits minimal CA for its short focal length, probably one of the best small APO's in its day. The basic construction provides a short stowed length for travelling, the dewcap can be slid back along the main tube. My main criticisms are its weight and the amount of extra money you have to spend on Takahashi components before it will give of its best.

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