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An Astronomical legacy (Wills and stuff)


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I sense there's a point where we all "contemplate the infinite" - No, not in a Brian Cox, "solarised, contre-jour" sense, but more "Grim Reaper". LOL. N.B. Not planning to pop off just yet... :)

BUT I'm in the process of will-making and, with no close relatives, and a few family vultures (part serious!), I do wonder if there is a way to leave any Astro Gear to a REALLY "good cause"? :p

Don't all say ME ME! <G> But maybe an astronomy society... or preferably something a TAD more "official" - A college or school, perhaps. No big value or guarantees clearly, but any ideas? :p

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I haven't got any tips - apart from the obvious candidates whom you've already mentioned.

But I'm in a similar position, also starting the process of will-making and wondering about the modest amount of astro-kit I currently possess. So any advice you may receive, I'd be grateful to receive, too. :)

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One thing you need to be careful of, is being specific about what sort of items you want to leave, but not exactly identifying the items. For example, it is not much point writing "I bequeath my C-11 and AP1200 to Fred Bloggs College", because you may no longer have either the C-11 or the AP1200 by the time you snuff it, therefore FB College would end up with nothing! But you could write "I bequeath any SCT telescope(s), and any GEM mount(s), currently in my possession at time of my death, to Fred Bloggs College..."

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