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Anyone Guiding through their finder scope?

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I'm trying to set up guiding through my SkyWatcher 9x50 finderscope using and adaptor from Modern Astronomy and my QHY5t camera.

I'm running EQASCOM / EQMOD and the HEQ5, ED80 Pro as per sig with PHD guiding.

Having trouble with focus and camera setup at the moment. ;)

Hey! but what am I NOT having trouble with a the moment, trying to get everything up and running! :o

Any advice re-setup, tips etc would be much appreciated.

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Hi Specman, I also bought one of these adaptors from Bernard at modern astronomy last week and it's working great!

Just a tip for everybody who is thinking of using this adaptor with a toucam (like me), if you find you do not have enough thread to focus simply remove the focus locking ring on the finder and you will easily get enough draw.

Bernard was a great help and has been said many times on this forum I couldn't recommend him more, even if you want to just phone somebody for an expert opinion about your setup and such - he's your man!

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I use my finderscope as a guider with an Atik Titan with the same adapter from Bern.

It works a treat. I think you will just need to vary to amount that you screw the adapter into the finder to achieve focus. Im sure you can get it.

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