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can i cover my 6" scope with baader film?


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can i cover the entire opening of my 6" scope with baader film for a 'full view' of the sun if you like, as opposed to using the 2" cap in the plug?

Im thinking that if i want to use neximage, then the image may be too big if only using the 2" aperture, so would liek to use full aperture.

possible and/or safe?



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Hello Tom. Yes, you can use a full aperture filter on your 6"(Newt?) as the film supplied is large enough. I used this on a 6" Newt with excellent results. I don't think the image size will be any different with either the 2" or 6" aperture as I believe this is determined by the focal length which will be the same in both cases.

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I've done it with some patience, cardboard an an elastic band.

Note ! Its not as creased as it looks on camera.

Warning ! Don't look at the sun without this filter.

(Sorry, but it's always worth reminding people. The lenses will be damaged, aswell as your sight).

I used a camera on live view to be safe.

If you want to see some 6" photos I've done with this method, I've put some on my blog.



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I made an off-axis 70mm cutout in a card filter holder with Baader solar film for my 6". This lets through plenty of light and I have enough film left to make another three of these if it gets damaged. Actually, the first one did, so I am onto no. 2. This gives great views visually, and I have attached some DSLR shots (10x jpgs that I stacked with Registax) so you can see the sort of results you can get.






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