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laptop question?

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hi all, i have just posted a pic of my konusky 200 scope with an EQ5 mount. the question,

is there a lappy programme that i can buy that allows the lappy to opperate the scope, ie, i attatch a cable into my lappy port/ports that then supplys both motors. so when i type in a location the programme will set the scope away, please dont say i should have bought a go to mount, (i know you will) or are go to mounts the next advancement from what i am wanting?.........confused.


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hi spikey, yes the scope has two add on motors ( the pic dose not show the dual axis hand controller or cables) the motors are 6volt stepper motors, ranging in speed from 2x 4x and 8x, also the hand controller allows left and right, up and down, and a north or south orientation. the power pack with the scope i would say is "****" ie 4 x size D batteries, will not hold enough wack for a reasonable length of time (unless i buy another) or a 6 volt power tank. its a out of the air idea, but i would like to know if its viable.



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