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Polar alignement and EQ5 pro goto synscan

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Hey all,

I've just upgraded my EQ5 mount with pro goto synscan upgrade kit. Just wondering. To find objects does the polar alignement have to be very accurate?? or is polar alignemnt still just used for tracking as it would be manualy?? and therefore does not have to be accurate for visual observing. I suppose I'm asking, does alignement have anything to do with the system finding objects?? I'm assuming that the 3, 2 or 1 star alignement tell the system where it is looking

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It depends on if you intend to view objects all over the sky, then yes having the scope level and polar aligned makes the goto function more accurately. If you are viewing items within the same constellation say, then aligning on two stars in that are will work even if the alignment isn't spot on

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When you power up the goto controller and run through the initial set up it will give you the position of Polaris as if viewed on a clock face... for a crude alignment, rotate the RA axis and place the circle in that position, eg if it says 3.00 on the hand controller then have the cross in the middle at + with the circle on the right as if pointing to 3 O'clock. Then use the alt az bolts to place Polaris in the circle.

I then turn the controller off, re-position the scope in the home position (like that shown in the catalogs) and turn the controller back on and run through the set up once again but then go tthrough the 2 star alignment process. I use a 4mm eyepiece to centre the target star in before confirming each target.

With the last star locked in and alignment confirmed I then place a focus mask on the scope and fine tune the focusing. The scope is then ready for use.

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