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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. Yes, I realise that but I had no choice. From my house, I can't see anything more than about a third of a mile away.
  2. Just come in from my two-part first light, too. Like our friendly neighbourhood Science Officer, I've bought a StellaLyra dob but the smaller 8" one. Smaller? It seems huge after a 150p! Part one was all problems with the focus extension and finder alignments but after a warm-up, part two was much more successful as I got used to the scope. I had stunning views of M42 and Trapezium with loads of nebulosity, along with Sigma Orionis, a couple of Struves, Rigel and Alnitak, all split easily. The base on mine was fine once I'd adjusted the stiction to my liking - probably because my scope's lighter. Think I'm going to like my scope......❤️
  3. Just come inside from its first light. In those brief moments when I could find what I was looking for, I got amazing views....... Problems: When setting up the scope in daylight, I needed the extension to focus. Outside at night, I had to take it off! 😚 Likewise, I thought the RACI was aligned and focused, but no.... I'd just started to sort it all out when the clouds came over and I came inside for a warm. In between, I found the focuser very smooth and the stars pin sharp. I couldn't get on with my 5mm Pentax with no finder but the 14mm was just about manageable. Off now to try again! 😄
  4. Nice one OKA, that'll definitely complement your dob! I may well copy you some time in the distant future when my wallet has recovered from the shock of the SL 8"!
  5. Well, I've got my 8"SL now, and very pleased with it too, though I haven't had the clear skies yet to give it a proper test. Thanks @FLO! I've adopted AD's system (cheers for that-great idea!) with two small bar magnets to position the Rigel to the right of the RACI temporarily - the only problem with the Rigel is adjusting it in daytime (the circles are very faint). The leftover magnets make very satisfactory balancing weights when swapping eyepieces! Does everyone else need the focusing extension? I seem to.
  6. Indeed....if these storms ever stop, I want to get out there with my new scope before it's too late.
  7. Hi to you and Poland - a warm welcome to you.
  8. As said, try Rigel or Alnitak for close but possible doubles in Orion, though you're spoilt for choice in that constellation!
  9. That's a great report, OKA! I can almost feel the scope vibrating with your enthusiasm.... One day, if I'm ever feeling flush, I must invest in a 127 Mak to complement my 200 dob.
  10. Yes indeed. Also, the 100p can be used straight out of the box: the primary mirror is fixed and so doesn't need collimating. It's true, too - I checked,!
  11. Amusing photo of three dobs: From left to right: My daughter's Skywatcher Heritage 100p, my SW Heritage 150p Flextube and my new StellaLyra 200. So the SL is only double the aperture of the little dob, but look at the difference in the size! 😱 BTW, anyone in the market for a beginner's scope for yourself, children etc: do consider the 100p. We took it out for its first light tonight and I was astounded my its images with some halfway-decent eyepieces. Views using my Vixen 30mm and a BST Starguider 8mm were brilliant, if of course not very highly magnified (the 8mil gives 50x mag). But even then we got M42 with a tiny Trapezium and nebulosity and great views of the moon. My daughter was delighted with it. Just for a laugh, I tried my Pentax XW 5 mm on it - the EP was almost as big as the scope (and twice the price)! 😄 It gave really excellent views too. So the 100p looks like a child's toy but is in fact a very capable scope, if you use some decent eyepieces on it. With a good quality Barlow, I'm sure it would be quite happy at 100x or more.
  12. Just checked the collimation, expecting the worst after the scope's journey up the M5.....and it's perfect. I looked long and hard to try and find something to twiddle and make it worth while, but zilch. Let's hope that's a good omen for the future! 😉
  13. Yeah.....I'm the world's worst photographer (see any of my posts for confirmation!) so I've never been very interested in AP for myself. I just look at other people's stuff. Yes, had the new scope smell as soon as I opened the box!
  14. Wow, that's quite some scope for a first one! ❤️
  15. Our spare bedroom is all a craft workshop and her exercise bike takes up far more room than my scope....but apparently that's fine. 😄
  16. If you really want Plossls but don't want TV prices, try the Vixen NPL range. My 30mm is one of my favourite EPs.
  17. A warm welcome to SGL from another member of the 200 dob club (from today!).
  18. That'd take a braver man than me.....😉😛
  19. Ah, ok. I actually have a set of Bob's Knobs which I bought for my old Flextube 150 and never fitted. If they're the same thread, I might use those.
  20. Great scope! Makes my 8" look positively puny! If I'd bought that, I'd have been out on my ear....😄. Will it live in the shed? You're right: Skywatcher will have to look to their laurels! The base and bearings are smooth as silk in comparison to the SW.
  21. As I expected, Ms cajen came in, took one look at it and said, " It's huge! It's not staying there!" So didn't want to go to plan B (storing the two parts separately - didn't want the OTA standing on its end), so evolved plan C - under the stairs, along with some substantial furniture shifting. Even she's now happy....😉
  22. Actually, the SL already has colour-coded thumbscrews for the primary adjustment and locking. The springs....I'll wait and see. Well, the RACI came with a shoe and mount, and the extra Rigel Quickfinder will go to the side of that. I've adopted @Astro_Dad's idea of temporarily attaching the Rigel with magnets till I'm sure where it's best to go.
  23. I'm near Bristol. Some viewing sessions were certainly curtailed by dew with my 150p Flextube dob because there's nowhere really to affix a dewshield on those. I'm hoping that, between the RACI and the Rigel, something will show me where I am even if it's dewy! 😄
  24. Hope so too! Except possibly for portability....! Having said that, it's lighter than I expected.
  25. Nice! Looks identical to mine but bigger! Mrs Spock must be very understanding....! 😄
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