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Posts posted by nightfisher

  1. 11 hours ago, daz said:

    Got a picture Jules? I need something for my ED80 while I figure out where I am getting some misalignment in my stars!

    Here is a couple of pics but it will struggle with ED80, maybe okay with ST80, not sure if i still have eyepiece tray but will look to see

    Celestron AZ mount (1).JPG

    Celestron AZ mount (2).JPG

  2. The ED80`s are cracking scopes, punch well above there size, this will be my most used scope, but the 150 pro will still come out to play, Michael you could paint the scope white like you did with the evo 120, you did a very nice job on that, i need to work out field of view with ED80 and Revelation 42mm 2" ep its 65 degree

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/7/2016 at 21:43, Chris Lock said:

    Your ED80 looks really smart on the AZ4 Jules, and your going to really like the views for it's aperture :)

    Very true, already impressed with Luna views, i have had a few 80mm scopes and they all have been good, had a Vixen 80 custom and was silly to have sold it, my TS80 F7.5 should be going up for sale but maybe not.......

    • Like 1
  4. Okay my first new frac for a long time and all being well my last until i win a huge pile of lotto cash, not a mega scope but i like to think it will be a good workhorse, a bit of Luna viewing and imaging small amount of Planetary viewing for quick sessions and a little DSO viewing plus maybe hooking up the 1000D for a bit of basic deep sky snap shots plus some whit light Sol viewing and imaging...........My ED80

    ED80 frac (1).JPG

    ED80 frac (2).JPG

    ED80 frac (3).JPG

    ED80 frac (4).JPG

    • Like 12
  5. 6 hours ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

    Thanks Stu and I have read with interest the subject that Jules raised and the conclusion that a 120ED frac is a good choice for a single instrument. I suppose it then comes down to the Equinox 120ED or Evostar 120ED both having the same glass but the former a better focuser.

    I suppose to cover this discussion more I should follow the thread started by Jules and not hijack the Starwave 152 thread.


    Mark i think my thread is defunct now as i went against the grain and ordered an ED80 + keep the 150 Mak

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Fozzie said:

    Great fires of London! That's a perilous thing to throw out there.. I once marginally suggested that the 4" starwave was better than that Russian magnifying glass thingy only to realise quite quickly I needed to get the heck out of dodge before the lynching..

    I've spoken to a few Talites, including Jules (who I consider to be the grandmaster of the Tal's member club) and the reverence these Tals are spoken off is very great indeed.  Shame they stopped making them.. I've nearly punched the button on the second hand market a number of times just to say I've got one..

    Mind you I thought about cutting one down for BV purposes and I believe that get you a life time ban from the lodge so best I don't pick one up!

    I could help you out on that, i have a spare 100rs

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, DRT said:

    Now you've got me worried! I can picture Jules hurtling down the M1 on a pony dressed as a Kossak with his hair on fire heading for my house :eek:

    Must rush down to Aldi to buy a black plastic plant pot and a big blue sticker so that I can disguise my Altair as a Tal :wink:


    I have access to a race horse called haribo (daughters) i dont have enough hair to set a fire and would not know how to dress as a kossak, so i guess your safe :grin:

    • Like 4
  8. 4 hours ago, DRT said:

    At the risk of stirring up the wrath of a thousand Talites, I must confess that I find these scopes rather ugly :rolleyes2:  (sorry, Chris)

    I have never looked through one and I am sure that is where they win you over, but they do seem to look like something you would see piled high and selling cheap by the checkout at Aldi.

    I'm out of here... :icon_compress:



    • Like 6
  9. 48 minutes ago, John said:

    Newt - Jules, Newt - Jules ...... I'm gradually getting used to the concept ! :grin:

    Yes, its a strange thing, but might be rather good, part of me is tempted to upgrade parts like a dual speed crayford but its charming as it is, rather TAL like so will have to see how it goes 

    All we need now is you to get a Mak     John-Mak  John-Mak  :grin:

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