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Dave scutt

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Posts posted by Dave scutt

  1. To night was the night for Fuzzy Hunting, the sky was clear their was no wind a bit cold at -1.

    Started with M31 still low in the sky in the N/W, found it just over the tree line couldn't find M110 and M32 this time , didn't look for M33 as for the trees in that direction. 

    Not a good start 1 out of 4.

    Moved on to Ursa Major,  found Alkaid and a short hop to the left and there was M101, back to Alkaid followed the few stars and M51 looked as nice as it did the other night the spiral arms where clearly visible and seeing them joining together. 

    On to M108 thanks for @Kon for naming this for me doesn't name it on my stellarium, found the Owl Nebula M97 and there in the same FOV was M108.

    Onwards and upwards to M81 and M82 another two brilliant fuzzy to look at. 

    Now towards some fuzzy I've never seen before,  looking at Phecda through the finder moved to the right and found M106 straight away and then back down to M63 maybe my luck was turning for the good.

    I know M3 and M53 aren't fuzzys but had to have a look as never seen these before always nice too see new Globular Clusters.

    Next on the list M64 found 35A 4.7 mag star Close to M53, and there it was M64 another one ticked off the list.

    Staying in that area are more fuzzy I've never seen before M58,M60, M84, M86, M87,M89, M90 and probably lots more. Found Vindemiatrix tried to star hop but was just getting lost,  so moving the dob around slowly managed to see 4more fuzzys but not sure which one's I had seen.

    And then cut short freezing fog had arrived couldn't see 2 metres in front of me ,it was -3 and my fingers where cold handerling the solid tube all night.

    Time to pack up and be continued........


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  2. 20211121_185329.thumb.jpg.27ee0449bbf68db3c5bd57b85f8f0a93.jpg3 clear nights from my garden bortle 2-3,  12"skywatcher  ES 82 , 14mm ,11mm ,8.8mm,6.7 and 2x barlow.

    I could see so much with the naked eye could make out Andromeda M31,Persei open cluster,  beehive cluster,  and coma star cluster. 

    Started off trying to see the pup though I could see it and then would disappear around 1 -2 o clock,  moved on to M51 whirlpool galaxy could actually see the spiral arms for the first time, stayed there mesmerised for a long time, moved up to M97 Owl Nebula could see it with no filter but the UHC filter made it stand out better, found a faint galaxy close to M97 doesn't mention it in my books or on stellarium🤔. Lots more open clusters, next time I'm going on a fuzzy hunt.


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  3. Hi all.

    I know you've had lots of clear nights recently in the UK but tonight will be my first clear night (at a decent time not 4 in the morning) with no moon visible for nearly a month. 

    I would like to try and find and look at something different. 

    I will start off with m42 and the trapezium,  one of my favourite things to look at is m13 and trying to see the Mercedes sign but I think that will be up in early morning. 

    Is there any clusters, nebula or galaxies any one could recommend and point me in the right direction to find them .

    Thanks dave 

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