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Everything posted by StuartT

  1. So... I purchased one of these.. and one of these... But the camera doesn't work! What am I doing wrong? Could the voltage be wrong? Polarity? The adapter is definitely working, my test meter recorded a voltage
  2. this is all super helpful! Thanks. I am going to copy and paste your answers into a crib sheet so I have them to hand 😀 I already run things from my laptop in any case (using APT and stellarium), scope control and plate solving, so don't need to learn that at least. @Clarkey as for 'going to bed' I could never do that. I'd be too worried about it starting to rain and then waking up to thousands of quids worth of destroyed gear!
  3. Thanks. Can anyone point me to a good summary of how it's different using an astro camera like this, compared to using a DSLR? Do you still set the exposure length, the ISO etc just as you would when shooting with a DSLR? Does it generate the same type of image files etc? Do you still shoot lights, darks, flats etc?
  4. My Nevada psu doesn’t have a usb socket tho. i guess I’ll just have to get a mains adapter. thanks anyway
  5. ok thanks. I guess I was hoping that I could avoid getting yet another mains transformer and use my dew controller instead.
  6. Ok, maybe I spoke too soon! My dew controller is putting out 12V (as that is what my Nevada PSU is supplying it with, because the EQ6R pro requires 12V). Whereas the Canon battery is 7.2V Hmm... not sure what to do now...
  7. Thanks. Any particular recommendations? I hear ZWO are very good (the best, even?)
  8. Right. This was where my thinking was going actually, so thanks. I am already learning the ropes w my DSLR, so I guess the logical next stage would be a proper astro camera. so.. the next question would be which one? I’m prepared to spend up to £1000
  9. I have been using an un-modified EOS 750D so far in my first attempts at imaging (both at the prime focus of my telescope and with my various telephoto lenses), but I'd like to capture more of the H alpha signal. I realise that the ultimate choice is to use a mono astro camera with filters, but if I am sticking with colour for the time being would I be better off going with a modified DSLR or a colour astro camera? I'd prefer to leave my current DSLR unmodified (so I can use it for non-astro), so the choice I am trying to make is whether I'd be better off getting a new astro-modded DSLR or a colour astro camera? I guess the main advantage of the latter is to have cooling to reduce noise. Thanks
  10. I’ve rather lost where this thread has gone as I don’t know anything about electronics. I have just bought a dummy LPe17 battery from FLO and will plug it into my dew controller’s second output. no need to build anything!
  11. oh boy! Fantastic! Thanks everyone. I guess I was thinking of something powered off the Nevada PSU that powers my mount, but that's 12V not 8V. Still, looks like I have plenty of options available 🙂 Actually, maybe I can use the same 12V PSU as my mount uses then? I'd really rather not have yet another mains device to have to find a plug for! What is a 7805 regulator? Is that a transformer?
  12. I find the battery in my EOS750D tends to run down when I am taking sequences of subs. Does anyone know if it's possible to rig up some kind of mains power to the camera so I don't have to worry about it?
  13. Good to know. Thanks. Out of interest, can you post a link to the 48mm adapter you located?
  14. Ok, thanks everyone. I think I understand all this. I've now ordered the one powerlord mentioned (as I am in the UK). It looks to be the same as the Celestron one mentioned in the CN post. When you say you'd go the M42 route are you saying that because I have an APS-C sensor that I won't see vignetting with the smaller adapter? (sorry for the basic questions, but I am still on the steep bit of the learning curve 🤣)
  15. ah. ok. Maybe it's only when I run the ASCOM toolbox on its own then (without APT). Thanks
  16. BTW, does anyone know why EQMOD/EQUASCOM apps can't be closed by clicking the normal X in the top right corner? I always have to open the Windows task manager and 'End Task' (which always feels bad) Thanks
  17. Interesting. Thanks. So all SCTs have the same size thread? So this.. ? https://agenaastro.com/blue-fireball-sct-female-m48-male-thread-adapter-c-04.html
  18. Does anyone know what the rear thread (male) size is on the Antares focal reducer? I have a Canon EOS T adapter with an M48 female thread, but the reducer seems to have a slightly larger diameter and won't fit into it. Thanks
  19. I have an EQ6R Pro and I power it from the Nevada PSW-30 25-30A Switch-Mode Power Supply. I set it to 12V and it works perfectly. I got one of these adapters so I can also power my dew heater https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005IPM5GE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  20. Yes, I have been using APT plus the platesolving plug-ins (as described in this magnificent thread) and it works like magic! No hand controller for me any more, or worrying about whether one of the alignment stars will be behind my neighbour's house! 🤣 I'm also awaiting an exciting delivery in the next few weeks (fingers crossed) - Esprit 150ED 😃
  21. Ok, when it does arrive, maybe it will be my turn to help you then! I have got it pretty much figured out now, I think. Setting up, polar aligning, plate solving. So just give me a shout!
  22. yes. As a new boy, I'm discovering that the technology side of this hobby can be somewhat twitchy. But once you've pandered to its fussy requirements it seems happy enough...
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