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Everything posted by StuartT

  1. added a second session of data from last night. Brings out a lot more nebulosity. 3h 37m integration time
  2. Yes, I leave everything out between sessions (thank god for Telegizmos - changed my life!). And I don't mess with the optical train at all, so everything is exactly the same and I only need one batch of flats. Thank you. Yes indeed. Beautiful night tonight. Managed to get another couple of hours on Veil Nebula to add to last night's data. NINA is the best! So easy to match up multi-night sessions, I discovered tonight. Accurate down to a few arcsec 😃
  3. This was taken with a one shot, cooled camera (ZWO ASI 2600MC Pro). I've not done much deep sky with a DSLR, so I am not sure. Post what you get!
  4. Ok, so I added another hour of data to this last night. I think it's better. Also removed the gradient with AstroflatPro M31-RGB-session_1-1.fits
  5. definitely better! I love it. Thanks (here's what it did to my Veil Nebula)
  6. Pretty happy with this. Thanks to Stuart1971 for recommending Astroflat Pro, which I love! Eastern_Veil_Nebula-RGB-session_1.fits
  7. Can anyone recommend a good gradient removal plugin for Photoshop? I am on a trial of Gradient Xterminator which is reasonable, but a bit pricey. But maybe there are better options?
  8. Thanks. How is this bit done exactly? (I get the rest of it)
  9. Sure, but I meant what was your technique(s) to get the extra detail?
  10. Thanks vlaiv. Yes, I can see your point. What I need is more data. Only an hour is not so much, I guess
  11. Thanks. I do have platesolving and my mount is steered from the laptop (I use NINA). But there is still quite a bit of trial and error involved, I find. But thanks for the tips. I think what I'll do is platesolve and sync in NINA then click on the spot I want in Stellarium and Ctrl-1 to go there.
  12. many thanks for the advice. Given the slightly off framing, I shall start over I think. It's quite hard to frame these objects tho as the nebulosity doesn't really show up well in the trial images.
  13. Last night I got this of the Eastern Veil Nebula (NGC6992), but I clearly need more data. If the sky is clear tonight I plan to shoot this target again. Can I combine data from two nights? Do I need to bear anything in mind if I do that? Thanks (although my framing isn't ideal, so I may just start from scratch)
  14. Thanks vlaiv. Can I ask what exactly you did to remove the gradient?
  15. Finally had some clear last night, so I tried out M31. This was done with my Esprit 150ED APO (focal reducer taking it down to f/5/6) using NINA and a ASI 2600MC. No filters. Processed using default settings in APP. total integration time 59min. Any tips on whether I could stretch any more out of this would be welcome. M31-RGB-session_1.fits
  16. Ok, the Ultimate it is then! It also means I can get a Motor focus kit instead of the FocusCube I was considering (because the Ultimate has a stepper motor controller, right?)
  17. When setting up the options in NINA there is a section called 'Telescope' But presumably this should be called 'Mount' as that is actually what it's controlling? But then it has a box for focal length and focal ratio, which seems odd as most of us use the same mount for various telescopes, so I'd have thought a more logical thing would be to have a 'mount' section and a 'telescope' section where you can add various telescope details (as you do in APT). Or have I misunderstood something?
  18. Oh, I was meaning that I might still use my Nevada to power the mount independently (as you said you hadn't yet powered the mount from the PPB). Is this what you mean? Or are you saying you are powering the PPB with the Nevada. Sorry.. I am getting confused here.
  19. Thanks Padraic. Very helpful. I already have a Nevada PSU for my mount, so I shall prob carry on with that. Can you just clarify what you mean about the USB ports? Acc to the photo it has two USB 2.0 and two USB 3.0
  20. thanks both. I'm not sure I'd be piggybacking another scope on top, but I guess I might put my DSLR with a long lens on top, so this is worth thinking about. I can manage in terms of budget, in any case. Do you know if the various power outputs are independently voltage adjustable? So, if I wanted three at 12V but the fourth at, say, 8V is that possible? I assume so, but just want to check
  21. I'm planning on getting a Pegasus Powerbox to keep everything nice and tidy. But I am not sure between the Advance Gen2 and the Ultimate. I'm unlikely to need 3 dew heaters, so I guess it comes down to the powered USB 3.1 ports and how necessary they really are. I think I only really need the Advance, but what would be the main justification for going for the Ultimate?
  22. Excellent. Thanks all. Not really.. An Esprit 150ED and a EQ6R Pro. That's a lot of kilos for an old fella. So I'd pretty much need to be near the car
  23. Thanks for this. I know where it is, but I've not been. I'll take a look
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