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Everything posted by StuartT

  1. I agree with Clarkey about the benefits of NINA. I think it is way easier to use and more logically laid out. If you've not been using APT for that long, then a switch now would be a good idea I think (so you don't get too used to APT and then find any change difficult). I also agree with Clarkey about using what you are most comfortable with. But I think you would very quickly become comfortable with NINA if you watched those vids I linked to and gave it a try. Also, as I said, the support for NINA is way superior to APT. The NINA guys respond in minutes whereas Ivo normally takes two days at least) For a beginner this is very important matter.
  2. I don't really understand much of this. But I'm grateful anyhow. What I think I understand is that when I plug a device like a mount into my laptop USB port, the laptop has to emulate a serial port (which it calls 'COM something') so it can talk to the device. is that right? and presumably even if I am connecting my mount through the Powerbox, it still has to emulate a serial port and then send that through the powerbox to the mount? I don't know what FTDI is, I'm afraid.
  3. hmm.. maybe. 😞 I do have a use for the focus motor controller (Pegasus motor focus kit)
  4. ok, now I restarted NINA and it can't even see the camera! I then tried opening the PB software and I got this
  5. I have a new EQ6 with a USB port in it and I use that. @KP82 - yes, the laptop can connect directly to the mount from the laptop. to be honest, I had just about got the hang of connecting to my mount with NINA (once I figured out all the ASCOM port nonsense and constantly changing numbers). But now I am putting the PB in between them seems to have just upset everything again. (it's certainly upset me!). I did email the Pegasus guy and he told me that if you are using NINA you shouldn't use the powerbox's own software too because they conflict with each other. At this rate, it's looking like I've made a rather expensive mistake buying a UPB. I might end up just going back to a direct connection and cable hell! 😭
  6. Yikes! You were right. A lot of old COM ports by the look of it. I must admit, I don't understand all this COM port stuff. Normally devices work with windows just using the USB port and you never have to worry about what number anything is! Before I got the powerbox when connecting my mount, I used to always first have to look in Device Manager see what COM port it was assigned (always a different number!) and then open up EQMOD or ASCOM or whatever it's called and make sure that COM port was set to the right number. A right pain. I don't really understand why that keeps changing every time you plug something in! I'm running ASCOM 6.5. I'm not sure what an EQDIR cable is, but I am connecting the powerbox directly to the mount yes. I never use the handset for anything as I always plate solve and sync.
  7. Well I am finding kind of the opposite of that! If NINA is connected to the camera (via the PB) then I can't actually open the PB software! It tells me that the device is already in use by another program! And to cap it off, my laptop now seems to think it's got two COM ports active! No wonder ASCOM is confused. Whatever I do, I can't get this to work 😢
  8. yes. The software is seeing the Powerbox - that is just connected direct to the laptop's USB (and as far as I know it does not require COM port emulation). NINA can connect through the powerbox to the ZWO camera (also not using COM port/ASCOM) But NINA cannot connect to the mount (which does use ASCOM and so needs to have a COM port set in ASCOM which matches the one the laptop is creating) And NINA cannot see the Powerbox (which is weird because that should also be a direct USB connection from the laptop). I suspect the problem is with the prehistoric nature of ASCOM which still uses the concept of COM ports!
  9. yep. Had that plugged in all along. I think it may be something to do with EQMOD (which is generally a pretty painful piece of software)
  10. I just connected up my new UPB for the first time and downloaded the USB driver and software. Using NINA I can connect to the ZWO camera ok, but I can't connect to the mount. I also can't connect to the UPB in NINA I wonder if may EQMOD is confusing it somehow? The camera connects to NINA directly, so maybe that's why it's connecting ok? (I do know that EQMOD gets very confused about COM ports changing...) I'm generally a bit baffled.
  11. Excellent. Thanks. Actually I wasn't aware that they sold a mounting bracket separately but I see them now (£35!!) In fact, I have some velcro on the side of my EQ6 which used to have the dew controller, but as I won't be needing that any more, I can just put the powerbox there. My Powerbox didn't come with any instructions, which seems odd (even frying pans come with instructions these days!!) EDIT: actually there is a manual online, I just doscovered 🙂
  12. yep good old Cuiv can always be relied upon for good vids.
  13. The SharpCap PA tool is a delight! Super easy to use and gives you a very precise alignment. Go and get NINA. Install version 1.10 HF3 https://nighttime-imaging.eu/download/ Then watch this great series of 'how to' videos on how it works. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIJETFlZV9yVlNQYtR0X21NHepcWKa8iD
  14. Fortunately as I am not clever enough to do guiding, I have a nice free top dovetail 🤣
  15. Good point. I use SharpCap for focusing too because the live video mode is super easy with a Bhatinov mask)
  16. no worries. Not your bad. Understanding my own equipment is my responsibility! 🤣 Anyway, Adam at Rother Valley Optics is great and he cancelled it with no bother.
  17. no, you are absolutely correct in my case! I have the SkyWatcher 0.77 Esprit reducer. You just saved me 80 quid! 👍
  18. good grief! You are right! I just uncrewed the reducer to reveal... guess what? A 2" filter thread! I'd better cancel that order for a filter drawer!!
  19. Like you I am a newbie. I started with APT (as I didn't know what else was out there), but its interface is somewhat err.. idiosyncratic. I then discovered SharpCap and its rather marvellous polar alignment tool. But then.... I discovered NINA. It blows the other two out of the water frankly. A very logical and easy to learn interface. A real joy. It suits anyone from beginner level up to pretty experienced people. It's completely free and (this is important) the support is the very best there is. The creator seems to live on the Discord server and answers your every question within minutes! Never experienced anything like it. I still use SharpCap for polar alignment, as it's very nice. But everything else I do in NINA. If you are a planetary guy, though, your mileage may vary. I'm really talking about DSO imaging
  20. excellent! Many thanks. Reassuring to know there wasn't something obvious I was missing with using my existing equipment! In terms of spacing, it looks like I can just remove the second spacer (the 16.5mm one) and maintain roughly the same distance. Actually, Rother have the ZWO in stock, so I have just ordered one 👍
  21. that looks spot on! Thanks. I'll pop out there at the weekend. (I already treated myself to a Jackery Explorer because I reckoned I'd been a good boy)
  22. So my Ultimate Powerbox is about to arrive this afternoon 😃 Where do you guys tend to mount yours? I have a Los dovetail bar on top of the scope tuberings and I was thinking of putting it there. But I'd appreciate any advice from those with experience as to what works best
  23. This is probably a really dumb question, but I have a 2" UHC filter for reducing light pollution and I can't figure out where it's supposed to go in the image train. Can you advise?
  24. Yes, I think I had that initially, but if you stay logged in ('remember me') it stops happening. Not sure why it has to happen in the first place tho to be honest!
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