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Everything posted by StuartT

  1. I'm about to purchase a Quark chromo for use with a Starfield 102 f/7 scope (FL=700mm). I've read that full disk imaging is only possible with FL < 450mm, so presumably if I use a 0.5x reducer I'll achieve this. Can anyone confirm? Also, which eyepiece would I need for this? Presumably something longer like a 40mm (sorry, I'm rubbish with optical calculations!)
  2. +1 for NINA. It's a real game changer and the developers are constantly on line ready to help if need be.
  3. This is great to hear. My Starfield 102 is being delivered tomorrow! 😃 I've bought it for solar use with a Quark chromosphere. But I've also bought the dedicated reducer for wider field DSO views than I can get with my Esprit 150 or my SCT
  4. In case anyone needs this info, I've just heard back from SkyWatcher in China about the sizes of the bolts Az bolts - M12 (coarse pitch, 1.75) 89mm 'top' Alt bolt - M12 (coarse pitch, 1.75) 78mm 'bottom' Alt bolt- M16 (coarse pitch, 1.75) 97mm All bolts need to be bullet nosed (i.e. with a domed end)
  5. Oh wow! That is a superb image! I have the Esprit 150 too. Lovely scope. I'm using the 2600MC Pro with it (as I'm not brave enough to shoot mono yet)
  6. Like others, I am frustrated with the Alt and Az adjustment bolts on my EQ6R Pro. The knobs on the Az bolts are not great and the loose ratchets type knob for upward adjustment is awkward to get fine adjustment with. I think the knobs on both can be replaced for more suitable ones. Does anyone have any suggestions for this? If so, what are the bolt measurements? I think the az bolts may be M10, but I think the Alt one is bigger. Advice would be welcome! Thanks
  7. Ah. Is it? Thanks. I didn't know quantum efficiency was the same as sensitivity. Much appreciated!
  8. thank you. One thing the ZWO don't seem to provide in their documentation is the frequency response of their cameras. Do you know if this can be found anywhere?
  9. @vlaiv can I just check with you that this filter would be good with either a mono camera or an OSC? (I assume they both have similar frequency responses). Sorry if this is a dumb question
  10. I'm looking for a high quality UV/IR cut filter for planetary use with a ASI224MC Pro. Any recommendations? I looked at the Baader neodymium, but it seems to have an odd cut in the middle of the visible range from 560-620nm which would knock out any yellow and orange (which seems a pity)
  11. err.. ok. I don't understand any of that, I'm afraid. I've never processed mono data before (or even collected any!). My OSC data I process with Siril, but I just use existing scripts so I am not really sure what it's doing 'under the hood' Anyway. No worries. I have an answer to my original question. Thanks
  12. Thanks @vlaiv Much appreciated. Is Bayer drizzle something you do in processing or capture?
  13. I've just bought by first mono camera (which I plan to use for solar) - the Player One Apollo M mini. Can I just check my understanding that due to the Bayer matrix on a OSC the 'effective' resolution is lower than for a mono camera (all other things being equal)? Thanks
  14. Thanks. I have Baader Wonder Fluid which is what I would use. But from what you've all said, it sounds like it would be premature to clean it now (on the basis that cleaning should be as infrequent as reasonably possible)
  15. Yes, I bought the scope less than 12m ago. Do you think it's serious then? I really don't want to have to send it back!
  16. I am seeing some spots on my objective. Hope you can see them on this image. What are they? Do I need to worry about them? (I try to avoid ever cleaning optics - all I do is use a dust blower bulb occasionally)
  17. Ooops! I ordered the M42 one. No worries. I guess I just won't has as much backfocus. I don't think it's critical. Thanks everyone
  18. Interesting. Thank you. I wonder what size that screw thread is? I need it to be M42 ideally.
  19. Yes. NINA has a function called Direct Guide. So (presumably) it just sends a command to the mount to randomly vary from the RA and Dec of the target (which is stored in the sequence). My subs do look like they were dithered, because I quickly browsed through them in FITS viewer and they jiggled about
  20. I have a DIamond Steeltrack 2" focuser on my SCT and can't quite figure out how to attach my ZWO camera (which has a female M42). I tried using the M42 extension adapters I use on my frac, but they have to be slid into the focuser where the eyepiece usually goes (see photo). This makes for uncertain focusing as the adapters can be slid in and out by a few cm (i.e. there is no fixed position for them). I'd also be concerned about tilt (as the three clamp tightening knobs on the focuser might be tightened to different amounts) Suggestions?
  21. Thank you! Is there a reason to have dither in RA only set to ON? I would assume that this might 'create' walking noise. Wouldn't it be better in both RA and Dec to mix things around more?
  22. Ok. Many thanks both. I must admit, I didn't think about having to increase dither amount because of binning, but it makes sense. Only thing is I don't know if there is a setting for that in NINA. (or at least, I haven't found it)
  23. I'm not sure I see your point. 180 degrees is π radians. And...? What is especially difficult about that value?
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