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Everything posted by Quetzalcoatl72

  1. Thanks I will have a look, shame my wifi card doesn't work as I need free USB slot for a dongle. My guiding graph is just straight up and down erratically, still gets the job done... kinda
  2. Can I checkup how my imaging it going without going in and out the house waking people up every 20 minutes? Someone almost always goes wrong so I would like to keep an eye on things in the comfort of my warm house. Can I view my outdoor laptop live on my main laptop wirelessly? If so, how would I go about doing it?
  3. I'm struggling to find a solution to a basic question on the internet. Is it CCD>2"adaptor>BARLOW then IR cut filter? or filter after 2"adaptor? both have thread for it I'm imaging planets right now. cheers
  4. I use 3 scopes: ED80 Askar180 and RC8 and 2 filters: Askar dual narrowband and an Optlong CCD light pollution filter. I noticed the latter is better on galaxies. I have imaged a lot of things but I am starting to run out, I suppose you wouldn't think it possible being space. But I'm limited to the northern hemisphere, my garden, telescope magnification and quality. I would like to figure out any other's I've missed that I can easily see with my setups. For sky restrictions I cannot image the seagull nebula and anything below that, as my garden is north facing but I can just about do Orion for 2 hours. I only use Stellarium as a guide as it contains pictures I can compare and see what would fit in frame, though I think it doesn't have everything. Sometimes I pic objects that are too faded for me to want to attempt it fully. What could I image this time of year? -My nebula list are as follows: Orion, Horsehead, Heart/Soul, Dumbell, Eskimo, Ring, Iris, Catseye, Owl, Elephant, California, Bubble, Crescent, Tadpole, Rosette, Monkey, Wizard, Pacman, Medusa, Christmas tree and IC2169, Fossil Footprint, Crab, Filamentary(in full), Jellyfish, Pleaides, Spider/Fly, Flaming star, Little Dumbell, Casper, North American. -My galaxy list are as follows: Cigar, Bodes, Pinwheel, Blowdrier, Andromeda, Triangulum, Splinter, Crowbar, Whale, Hamburger(and the other 2), Whirlpool, Croc Eye, Black Eye, Sunflower, 106, Needle, Faust.
  5. I ordered it thanks for the info, 15% off too I picked a good time to check this page. Do you still use a shirt or anything like that?
  6. thanks! how many seconds exposure is it? for some reason I had to do 22sec ones today using the same setup where i always ended up using 7. I use flat wizard in NINA, not exactly sure what the best settings are.
  7. Thats not too bad, I thought they would be more, as long as they can survive up to -5c
  8. I am from the UK so I need to find something that I can easily buy without having to pay import charges etc. To fit my 8" scope, currently using a shirt over the scope forced to my 17" laptop screen which is very risky and still covered 95% of the whole tube. Also I do not need to have the full optical train doing dark flats right?
  9. There is an 'excuse' this laptop is also my retro gaming one, these 00's pc games will not run on anything above windows 7😬 maybe one day i can save up for a astro mini pc.that would take some time
  10. I am using windows 7 x64 and can't afford an upgrade to win10 which every single program absolutely insists I use. I'm not a tech person, I barely have any skill on knowing how to run a computer and getting Ascom to work years ago was my limit though youtube tutorials. It has been running successfully for 4 years, but now it does not work. I click the find button but it keeps coming up as COM16, It cannot find my NEQ6 mount that it is connected to, i've tried all 3 USB ports. I open up stellarium and when it opens the EQMOD window its just a black rectangle with connect error on it. When I open NINA and connect to the mount it just says telescope connection lost. I am using pulseguiding
  11. at least the general shape and colour, i took about 100 frames
  12. I have an stellar lyra RC8" a skywatcher ED80 and askar 180. My first real scope is the nexstar 5se which I've held on as my best jupiter pic to this day was recorded from it. I want to image basically everything, thus the need for multiple telescopes and cameras. But do I really need it? I haven't used it professionally with deep sky imaging as I don't have a guide scope that would fit it's curved frame. Is there anything that this little scope can do better than my other 3? I don't think I could even get that much money selling it to be worth 'getting rid'.
  13. For some bizarre reason one night that I forgot all about I imaged the pink pillow nebula, it is the smallest nebula I've ever done. I remember it being so bright that my exposures were only 0.40 each, but I could just about make out some detail. I took all the calibration frames too. I'm using APP and i only see maybe 2 stars, It's having trouble stacking them, what should i do? one of the frames is attached here for context. 2024-05-21_01-56-54__-10.00_0.40s_0001.fits
  14. I've been using nina for a few years why would they suddenly stop supporting windows 7 thats a real shame
  15. There doesn't seem to be a way to download an older update, re-installing and reverting back to previous update on the application, and deleting everything from appdata didn't work. Before I installed the update I tried to get my internet working, used every method under the sun till I settled with a wifi dongle. I've not updated any of my programs for 2 years till now, they all open but nina. I double click on the icon but nothing happens, it's not running in task manager either. Either the new version of nina does not work on windows 7(or at all), or I did something during the time trying to get the internet working on the laptop, like a firewall stopping it for example. A clear night is coming up and I can't afford to waste it(that's if the weather prediction is actually accurate) I can't use my setup without that program
  16. I tried all the tips everyone gave me here, this is my best picture thus far, it was next to an extremely bright moon and I still managed to get some detail!
  17. Unfortunately my laptops internet doesn't work so I can't update anything, no look installing drivers either, so card and or those black and white cables may have gone caput or I need a full OS reinstall. My 533 only shows up on one usb port it's so weird, like that's the port i first plugged it into to install the driver, seems to be the main issue, perhaps I uninstall then reinstall plugged into the 3.0.
  18. I've just ruined A night trying to get them to work ugh
  19. My camera and cables are working as they both show up on sharpcap but not when you choose ASI Camera (1), (2). I reinstalled ZWO drivers and now there's data missing in these boxes on the ASCOM Profile, do i need to enter data into these?
  20. I feel like I have to use the guide camera to find the planet as when I get it to goto one via stellarium it's not on the screen and I have to use the numpad to find it which would take anywhere up to half an hour which is infuriating especially with a 2x barlow. I am polar aligned at the moment but it still does not show up direct, the guidescope isn't aligned right, I have to align it every time I use it since it goes out when I take it off the scope for storage
  21. For deep sky, the guide camera is plugged into the back of main one as the 533 acts as a hub then it's plugged into usb2 from that. Tonight I tried to plug it into the USB3 port but only the guide camera was showing up on NINA, since I setup ASCOM for those specific ports to be used for their purposes I now can't get them working and don't remember how I set it all up. Since the planetary camera does not have a usb port on the back it goes straight into another USB2. I thought I had 2 USB3's but it seems I only have one as I get the message "this camera would perform better on a 3.0 port". I would love to try to swap the ports around via ASCOM again but have no idea how.
  22. My laptop is only a decade old and reliable, so I'm not sure what fps I should be getting. I find collimation a true nightmare, it wastes hours especially since I'm inexperienced with it, and the number of clear skys seems to be decreasing each year. Also I don't own the equipment, I just do it by eye, when I do do it. I don't travel with the scope so bumps and movement is to a minimum.
  23. I'm not using any ROI, I think I only have one usb3. I wonder what is more demanding the cameras or the mount, should the mount be on usb2.0? I wonder if it matters considering that I have 2 cameras running on one usb cable.
  24. I've been using a 2.0 for my ASI533, the camera also being connected to the ASI120 guider for PHD2 via the USB port on the 533. I realized I should be using the 3.0 port but ASCOM isn't picking up the 533, but the 120 is there when I put it to ASI Camera (1) via NINA. I set up ASCOM years ago and have no idea how it works due to my brain sadly not remembering anything on how it was setup. I have ASCOM diagnostic and profile applications but it doesn't look like I can change anything in there. I hope there is a simple fix for anyone who uses this, thanks.
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