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Status Updates posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Weather wise today we have had a tiny bit of snow, some rain and sunshine.  Plus, one of the most striking rainbows I can recall in Lowestoft.  At least a double bow and at best and momentarily a triple bow. Physics can be breathtakingly beautiful!

    Double Bow.png

    1. JimT


      Certainly missed the snow but did get the rain whilst down town.

    2. Hawksmoor


      Easy to miss Jim.  It literally snowed in our backyard for a minute. Not enough to make a snowman!  Plenty of rain and no stars again tonight. I still haven't tried out my Mark2 homade spectrometer. I guess I shall have to be patient.



      Certainly missed the snow but did get the rain whilst down town.

    3. JimT


      Yes all clouded out till maybe midnight tonight so may give it a try then, am getting impatient to get all the cameras focused then it will be perfect :)

  2. Well I've set up my scope and I'm sat in the garden with bits of glass, cameras, wires and laptop waiting for it to get dark. This twilight malarky hangs about a bit in late May!

  3. Well the BBC Weather forecast for Lowestoft tonight is set faiir and at the moment I can see stars through light cloud.  I've set up my DSLR on my Star Adventurer and after I've had a bit of tea I'm going for imaging the asteroid Vesta which is currently tracking through Gemini.  I have never knowingly imaged an asteroid so thought I would go for it.  If I get some wide-field  frames of the constellation tonight and a few more towards the end of the month I can hunt for the star-like/asteroid that has moved.:happy7:

    1. JimT


      Well I waited and waited for the clouds to clear, but they just crawled up the coast skimming the land and by midnight I gave up.  I was all set for a view of Vesta myself if possible that is but it was mainly a photo shoot and check later.  A bit miffed but as I have installed Vesta in Stellarium I might still have a go at it if clear tonight.  This will my last weekend with the NEQ6 and 80mm scopes, hopefully next weekend I will be using a CGE Pro and the 11" RASA :)


    2. Hawksmoor


      Sad you were affected by cloud. The couple of miles we are further inland than you seems to have made a difference this last week. Though my images from last night were not all cloud free. Managed to stack and process some of the images I took and should have captured Vesta. It's definitely there somewhere in amongst a  widefield containing a lot of stars!  I've run one image through astrometry.net so have some markers to go by. The new kit arrival must be an exciting prospect. I look forward to seeing some really deep images from you soon!:happy7:


    3. JimT


      Morning George, yes I ran them through the plate solve and like yourself got markers but again so many stars  :).  Yes am excited about the arrival but have worries about weight and strength of floor so a wait and see game.


  4. Went out to the dustbin, looked up and watched the ISS pass overhead. An unexpected treat on a cold and then rainy night.

  5. Wonderful clear and steady astro observing last night in Lowestoft. First time I've ever managed to see all the elements of the Veil Nebula from our backyard using handheld 8x30 binoculars. Took a few images of NGC7000 using modded and unmodded DSLRs . Will have some fun stacking them and combining them over the next few days.

    If all goes well, Mrs H will be having her knee replaced next week, so housework and nursing may get in the way of Affinity Photo time. 

  6. Woo-hoo! Got my Lenovo laptop back from the menders with a new screen, runs like a greyhound!

    1. orion25


      Great news, George!

    2. Hawksmoor


      Hi Reggie hope you are well and star gazing in Georgia. It is good to have my trusty laptop operational again. Mrs H and I are feeling much better. We very much appreciated your kind wishes when we were ill. All the best and hope you get to see the lunar eclipse that is soon to happen. I think it is going to be too close to the horizon for me as I am located at the most easterly point in the United Kingdom with a very poor local south west aspect.


  7. You know I mentioned it never rains but it pours. Well Mrs H with her 'new hip' has now tested positive for Covid and in a fit of dyspraxic stupidity I sat on my Lenovo laptop and broke the screen. Lenovo's may be robust enough to withstand a trip to the ISS but my 'backside' is obviously a more stringent test of robustness! I am now typing on an old Dell which is 'clunky' to say the least and will have to wait until I'm Covid free before I can have it replaced. Lets hope today goes without further unfortunate incidents in the House of the Hawksmoors!

    1. orion25


      You and Mrs. H take good care of yourselves. I wish you both a speedy recovery!

  8. Having read Ken Harrison's excellent book Astronomical 'Spectroscopy for Amateurs' at least twice and innumerable visits to Robin's 'Three Hills' internet site, I have decided to haul myself up on the shoulders of giants and try to make yet another spectrograph this time involving a homemade adjustable slit! After a lot of deliberation I have come up with a modular design based on the 'Watkis Spectrograph'. I am currentlyputting together a heap of parts mostly gleaned from old bits of redundant/broken kit or stuff purchased from the NET in days gone past when I thought 'That's too good an offer to miss' (followed by a long languish in a box in the shed). Each module appears to pass the Transpec V2 spreadsheet test - so fingers crossed. At least I will have a project to keep me going through the winter.


  9. The weather tonight in Lowestoft followed the Metcheck forecast to the letter. I managed two hours of fun with my mini rig before the clouds arrived. Have purchased a new toy before my increased monthly payments to Octopus Energy kick in! I seized the opportunity to buy a used Canon 200d astromodded camera in mint condition with only 10,000 shutter actuations for a remarkably good price. Have been trying it out with my Sigma wide lens and my Altair Astro 66mm Doublet refractor. The processing is more demanding than I'm used to with an unmodded camera but so far I am pleased with my purchase. On a different  tack, I was happy to receive a letter from CEFAS informing me that, after careful consideration of my requests for them to address the light pollution coming from their new HQ building, they would in future limit the hours of operation of their external lighting. A good week for stargazing in Lowestoft all round!

    Nighty night stargazers.

    George now in bed.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. orion25


      BTW, close conjunction of Venus & Jupiter before dawn on April 30 for us in the States (about 14 arcminutes apart). I don't think you'll be able to see from your latitude though.

    3. Hawksmoor


      Hi Reggie - very nice to hear from you. I look forward to seeing your images of the conjunction. I'm not sure whether it is visible from Lowestoft or whether I could get out of bed before dawn. I do however, have a very fine eastern horizon out over the North Sea.

      I am still getting to grips with my recently acquired modded DSLR and Triband filter.  Its easy enough to produce Ha saturated (very red) images but getting just the right amount of red to make an interesting composition is quite difficult particularly when going widefield.  Hats off to the people on SGL that produce such splendid narrow band images, it is certainly not easy!

      I attach a copy of one of my first images taken with the modded Canon 200d DSLR and a Triband filter and a Sigma EX camera lens at about f=15mm F5.6 (ISO800). 2hrs worth of 5minute lights stacked, cropped and processed using Affinity Photo software. The  lights were taken before the street lights went out so you can see how well the filter deals with LED street Lighting.  I think I could improve the stars by using my unmodded camera and combining images from both.  A project in process.

      Best regards from George1752086230_GreatBearetcselectredwidefieldcrop02.thumb.png.fa8e5ad70c8d417577560fa00c6fb9ff.png

    4. orion25


      Brill, George!

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