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Everything posted by Fedele

  1. 21.07.2021. ore 01:00 ASI 224, PowerMate 2,5x AsiStudio, Autostakkert, Registax AstroSurface:
  2. 20.07.2021, Leuca Skywatcher Mak127, Barlow 2x TV, ASI224 Autostakkert, Registaxù wdwqdwdwq.tif
  3. 20.07.2021, Quadri Lunari da Santa Maria di Leuca. Skywatcher 120ED, ASI 178MM al fuoco diretto e (una foto) con Barlow 2x TeleVue. Asistudio, AstroSurface
  4. Near the sea seeing is best than my abitual site
  5. 19.07.2021, Santa Maria di Leuca Skywatcher Mak127, ASI224 Asistudio, Astrosurface 2021-07-19-2014_7-CapObj__100r_24T_23reg.tif dwqdwdwq.tif
  6. Wich TOE eyepiece to Buy? i have uet TV Barlow 2x Tv Powermate 2,5 Abbe 32 TV Ploss 25 abbe ortho 18 taka LE 7.5 Abbe Ortho 6 Baader ortho 10
  7. i tested the Intes Micro Alter M500. this is really quite APO to up 180X. Very impressive...non quite the TAka but near. Far away from the synta
  8. This evening, looking forward to starting the rare tube, despite clouds and turbulence, I decided to mount the turret and two 18mm Abbe Ortho and to point the moon on a AZGTI I must say that today I saw a CRAZY moon with unprecedented detail, color and contrast (only in Mewlon) in refractors within 120mm INCREDIBLE.... I then aimed at the SW MAK 127 and the next one that says it is comparable to a 10 cm apo I eat it alive
  9. I found an immaculate, truly indistinguishable from the new FC100DZ. It's beautiful. Now it becomes difficult to even think of a TSA120 🙂
  10. And finally the little Mak Skywatcher on the Moon, with haze clouds and turbulence. I will spend a beautiful summer in the company of this toy in holiday 14.07.2021, Matera Skywatcher Mak 127, IR Pass 742 Astronomik, ASI 178 @ f12
  11. 13.07.2021 Skywatcher 120ED, ASI224, BARLOW 2X Asistudio, Autostakkert, Registax
  12. 13.07.2021, Matera ASI224, BARLOW 2X Asistudio, Autostakkert, Registax In tempi ravvicinati, riprese con Skywatcher 120ED, Mak 127, Takahashi Mewlon 180c alternativamente.
  13. Skywatcher Mak127, ASI224 & ASI178MM direct focus, IR Pass Astronomik AZGTi
  14. Hi So what you see also represents the trend in visual. The Mak surprised me because it shows an image close to that of a good apo, at a fraction of cost and length / price. I took it as a telescope for vacations and travel. Unfortunately I must say that the quality is not what I thought, even if I like the final visual result. It suffers from a little diffused light compared to the refractor and less contrast. I demonstrated how a 120ED can do planetary imaging, within the limits of the diameter. this telescope does the same with slightly less contrast. You can stumble upon successful specimens. After having put my eye in C11 HD, Dobsonian of 40 cm, etc .... I am more and more convinced that for me the primary instrument for my needs is an excellent refractor. Little Mak stays on the move. Yes, the samples are different as I wrote in a post in the "planetary imaging" section, but the trend remains
  15. different porocess 12.07.2021, Matera, ore 03:15 Skywatcher Mak127, AZGTi, Barlow 2x, ASI224 Asistudio, AstroSurface Skywatcher Mak127, AZGTi, Barlow 2x, ASI224 ASIStudio, Autostakkert, Registax
  16. ASI 224MC vs ASI 178MM 10.07.2021 - Matera ore 04:15 Skywatcher Mak127, Barlow 2x, Asistudio, AstroSurface The ASI 178 would tend to show more detail, but the 224, with this setup, is close to the ideal focal ratio for (about f 20). The 178 in this case is not at its ideal sampling since the optimal focal ratio for it is about f 14
  17. 10.07.2021 - Matera Skywatcher Refractor vs Skywatcher Mak Skywatcher 120ED PRo, MAK127, Barlow 2x, ASI224 Asistudio, AstroSurface
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