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Everything posted by powerlord

  1. That looks OK. Look at pleiades top left - stars look good ?
  2. yeh, from the pro on it has them. but until recently the fps was always a bit rubbish. I don't know what they have changed, but it now seems to buffer in memory for a bit and write them out in bigger chunks resulting in far better raw fps. I mean, its only to an SD card so it's never going to equal what you can get to a laptop ssd, but I was getting >100fps at 480p. That's the other limitation - 1080p max, and you can only choose specific sizes. And its fixed at 8 bit raw. So, it a poor second to a laptop and fire capture or whatever, but on the other hand, automatic counts for a lot - because of the hassle I reckon I only try planets, moon maybe 2 or 4 times a year. But by sticking a small pixel but larger MP camera on like the asi678 I can still have plate solving, have the asiair still guiding and get decent results. fyi - guiding is a bit weird with it - in that once its all in the rough area, don't enable guiding until in video mode and moved it to be right in the centre. then go back out to preview, guiding, and turn it on. then it will stay locked. If instead you start guiding after the goto, and then in video mode find its not centred and needs minor adjustments, the guiding will continue to fight them and move it back to where it was.
  3. wow that's awesome. Did you set gain to 16 and 30 secs or is it automatic? I want to try same settings as you are getting much more details. And what is your stretch set to if using ? for pixilation, just up the bitrate - the standard bit rate or rubbish. I think I put mine up to 20000. here's my settings - be good if you could post yours ? settings.json: { "takeDaytimeImages": "1", "saveDaytimeImages": "1", "dayautoexposure": "1", "daymaxautoexposure": "29000", "dayexposure": "500", "daymean": "0.5", "daymeanthreshold": "0.1", "daybrightness": "0", "daydelay": "1000", "dayautogain": "0", "daymaxautogain": "16", "daygain": "1.123", "daybin": "1", "dayawb": "0", "daywbr": "2.5", "daywbb": "2", "dayskipframes": "5", "dayTuningFile": "/home/powerlord/imx708_wide.json", "nightautoexposure": "1", "nightmaxautoexposure": "29000", "nightexposure": "29000", "nightmean": "0.2", "nightmeanthreshold": "0.1", "nightbrightness": "0", "nightdelay": "1000", "nightautogain": "1", "nightmaxautogain": "16", "nightgain": "3", "nightbin": "1", "nightawb": "0", "nightwbr": "2.5", "nightwbb": "2", "nightskipframes": "1", "nightTuningFile": "/home/powerlord/imx708_wide.json", "config": "[none]", "extraArgs": "--autofocus-mode manual --lens-position 10.19 --denoise off", "saturation": "1.0", "contrast": "1.2", "sharpness": "0.0", "width": "0", "height": "0", "type": "99", "quality": "100", "filename": "image.jpg", "flip": "2", "notificationimages": "1", "consistentDelays": "1", "timeformat": "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S", "latitude": "52.04N", "longitude": "1E", "angle": "-6", "takeDarkFrames": "0", "useDarkFrames": "1", "locale": "en_GB.UTF-8", "debuglevel": "1", "useLogin": "1", "alwaysshowadvanced": "0", "overlayMethod": "1", "showTime": "1", "temptype": "C", "showExposure": "0", "showGain": "0", "showBrightness": "0", "showMean": "0", "showFocus": "0", "text": "", "extratext": "", "extratextage": "0", "textlineheight": "30", "textx": "15", "texty": "35", "fontname": "0", "fontcolor": "255 0 0", "smallfontcolor": "0 0 255", "fonttype": "0", "fontsize": "7", "fontline": "1", "outlinefont": "0", "displaySettings": "0", "showonmap": "0", "websiteurl": "", "imageurl": "", "location": "", "owner": "", "camera": "RPi Module_3", "lens": "", "computer": "", "cameraType": "RPi", "cameraModel": "Module_3", "lastChanged": "2023-11-06 19:33:00" } config.sh: #!/bin/bash # X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*XX*X*X*X*X*X*X # For details on these settings, click on the "Allsky Documentation" link in the WebUI, # then click on the "Settings -> Allsky" link, # then, in the "Editor WebUI Page" section, open the "config.sh" sub-section. # X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*X*XX*X*X*X*X*X*X ########## Images # Set to "true" to upload the current image to your website. IMG_UPLOAD="false" # Upload the image file as "image-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.jpg" (true) or "image.jpg" (false). IMG_UPLOAD_ORIGINAL_NAME="false" # If IMG_UPLOAD is "true", upload images every IMG_UPLOAD_FREQUENCY frames, e.g., every 5 frames. # 1 uploades every frame. IMG_UPLOAD_FREQUENCY=1 # Resize images before cropping, stretching, and saving. IMG_RESIZE="false" IMG_WIDTH=2028 IMG_HEIGHT=1520 # Crop images before stretching and saving. CROP_IMAGE="false" CROP_WIDTH=640 CROP_HEIGHT=480 CROP_OFFSET_X=0 CROP_OFFSET_Y=0 # Auto stretch images saved at night. The numbers below are good defaults. AUTO_STRETCH="true" AUTO_STRETCH_AMOUNT=10 AUTO_STRETCH_MID_POINT="10%" # Resize uploaded images. Change the size to fit your sensor. RESIZE_UPLOADS="false" RESIZE_UPLOADS_WIDTH=962 RESIZE_UPLOADS_HEIGHT=720 # Create thumbnails of images. If you never look at them, consider changing this to "false". IMG_CREATE_THUMBNAILS="true" # Remove corrupt or too dim/bright images. REMOVE_BAD_IMAGES="true" REMOVE_BAD_IMAGES_THRESHOLD_LOW=1 REMOVE_BAD_IMAGES_THRESHOLD_HIGH=90 ########## Timelapse # Set to "true" to generate a timelapse video at the end of each night. TIMELAPSE="true" # Set the resolution in pixels of the timelapse video. TIMELAPSEWIDTH=3840 TIMELAPSEHEIGHT=2160 # Bitrate of the timelapse video. TIMELAPSE_BITRATE="20000k" # Timelapse video Frames Per Second. FPS=30 # Encoder for timelapse video. VCODEC="libx264" # Pixel format. PIX_FMT="yuv420p" # Amount of information displayed while creating a timelapse video. FFLOG="warning" # Set to "true" to keep the list of files used in creating the timelapse video. KEEP_SEQUENCE="false" # Any additional timelapse parameters. Run "ffmpeg -?" to see the options. TIMELAPSE_EXTRA_PARAMETERS="" # Set to "true" to upload the timelapse video to your website at the end of each night. UPLOAD_VIDEO="true" # Set to "true" to upload the timelapse video's thumbnail to your website at the end of each night. TIMELAPSE_UPLOAD_THUMBNAIL="true" ###### Mini-timelapse # The number of images you want in the mini-timelapse. 0 disables mini-timelapse creation. TIMELAPSE_MINI_IMAGES=0 # Should a mini-timelapse be created even if ${TIMELAPSE_MINI_IMAGES} haven't been captured yet? TIMELAPSE_MINI_FORCE_CREATION="false" # After how many images should the mini-timelapse be made? # If you have a slow Pi or short delays between images, # set this to a higher number (i.e., not as often). TIMELAPSE_MINI_FREQUENCY=5 # The remaining TIMELAPSE_MINI_* variables serve the same function as the daily timelapse. TIMELAPSE_MINI_UPLOAD_VIDEO="true" TIMELAPSE_MINI_UPLOAD_THUMBNAIL="true" TIMELAPSE_MINI_FPS=5 TIMELAPSE_MINI_BITRATE="1000k" TIMELAPSE_MINI_WIDTH=1014 TIMELAPSE_MINI_HEIGHT=760 ########## Keogram # Set to "true" to generate a keogram at the end of each night. KEOGRAM="true" # Additional Keogram parameters. KEOGRAM_EXTRA_PARAMETERS="--font-size 1.0 --font-line 1 --font-color '255 255 255'" # Set to "true" to upload the keogram image to your website at the end of each night. UPLOAD_KEOGRAM="true" ########## Startrails # Set to "true" to generate a startrails image of each night. STARTRAILS="true" # Images with a brightness higher than this threshold will be skipped for # startrails image generation. BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLD=0.5 # Any additional startrails parameters. STARTRAILS_EXTRA_PARAMETERS="" # Set to "true" to upload the startrails image to your website at the end of each night. UPLOAD_STARTRAILS="true" ########## Other # Size of thumbnails. THUMBNAIL_SIZE_X=100 THUMBNAIL_SIZE_Y=75 # Set this value to the number of days images plus videos you want to keep. # Set to 0 to keep ALL days. DAYS_TO_KEEP=14 # Same as DAYS_TO_KEEP, but for the Allsky Website, if installed. WEB_DAYS_TO_KEEP=0 # See the documentation for a description of this setting. WEBUI_DATA_FILES="" # See the documentation for a description of these settings. UHUBCTL_PATH="" UHUBCTL_PORT=2 # ================ DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ================ ME2="$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" # CAMERA_TYPE is updated during installation CAMERA_TYPE="RPi" if [ "${CAMERA_TYPE}" = "" ]; then echo -e "${RED}${ME2}: ERROR: Please set 'Camera Type' in the WebUI.${NC}" sudo systemctl stop allsky > /dev/null 2>&1 exit ${EXIT_ERROR_STOP} fi IMG_DIR="current/tmp" CAPTURE_SAVE_DIR="${ALLSKY_TMP}" # Don't try to upload a mini-timelapse if they aren't using them. if [[ ${TIMELAPSE_MINI_IMAGES} -eq 0 ]]; then TIMELAPSE_MINI_UPLOAD_VIDEO="false" TIMELAPSE_MINI_UPLOAD_THUMBNAIL="false" fi if [[ -z ${SETTINGS_FILE} ]]; then # SETTINGS_FILE is defined in variables.sh echo -e "${RED}${ME2}: ERROR: SETTINGS_FILE variable not defined!${NC}" echo -e "${RED}Make sure 'variables.sh' is source'd in!${NC}" return 1 fi if [[ ! -f ${SETTINGS_FILE} ]]; then echo -e "${RED}${ME2}: ERROR: Settings file '${SETTINGS_FILE}' not found!${NC}" sudo systemctl stop allsky > /dev/null 2>&1 exit ${EXIT_ERROR_STOP} fi # Get the name of the file the websites will look for, and split into name and extension. FULL_FILENAME="$(settings ".filename")" EXTENSION="${FULL_FILENAME##*.}" FILENAME="${FULL_FILENAME%.*}" CAMERA_MODEL="$(settings '.cameraModel')" # So scripts can conditionally output messages. ALLSKY_DEBUG_LEVEL="$(settings '.debuglevel')" # ALLSKY_VERSION is updated during installation ALLSKY_VERSION="v2023.05.01_03" CONFIG_SH_VERSION=1
  4. @Stuart1971150mm lens ? That can't be right surely ? I just got my cheap hq camera and a few cheap old lens from ebay so gonna have a play with those. Not for allsky, just fun.
  5. Sorry..website kept saying wait error so kept trying to post it. 🙄
  6. Tip - if using camera 3, try --denoise off rather than the colour denoise. Yes, it's more noisy, but you can then clearly see milkyway and stuff like plaeides are much better.
  7. Tip - if using camera 3, try --denoise off rather than the colour denoise. Yes, it's more noisy, but you can then clearly see milkyway and stuff like plaeides are much better.
  8. Tip - if using camera 3, try --denoise off rather than the colour denoise. Yes, it's more noisy, but you can then clearly see milkyway and stuff like plaeides are much better.
  9. Tip - if using camera 3, try --denoise off rather than the colour denoise. Yes, it's more noisy, but you can then clearly see milkyway and stuff like plaeides are much better.
  10. cool. As it's relevant - I took delivery of an asi678 on monday to do my own sort of 'S50 max' - sticking it on my 200pds - and took the blown out core by just lucky image stacking around 5000 100ms and 1sec images.
  11. All ios apps work on apple silicon macs . It's one of the benefits on apple silicon. I run asiair on my macs sometimes. What is frustrating is that they only let one instance run. Sometimes I image with 4 asiairs at once. It'd be great to have 4 instances of asiairs running side by side on my mac, but apple don't allow it. Stu
  12. I tried a few experiments last night my my new asi678 on my 200pds. This is core of M42 using lucky imaging. A combination of 100ms subs and 1000ms subs. I've included a pic showing the area you are looking at as it's not normally that obvious in M42 shots since it's so bright.
  13. Asiair video really improved a lot. So this is first time I've done jupiter with it automatically from the comfort of my bed. Usually I'm out there manually focusing, faffing with laptop and eyepieces, etc. But with new asi678, fov is enough for it to goto it on my 200pds, and get a decent pic. Makes the whole thing a heck of a lot easier. This is first light for asi678. Well impressed with it.
  14. plastic bag ? I mean, why over complicate it.
  15. I do like that - can see orion, pleiades, etc. I suppose it also depends on sensor size. my lens on the asi120 doesn't get me a circle fish eye for example - it fills the whole sensor. I they supply the same 2.1mm for all the cameras, the fov is gonna change I suppose depending on sensor size.
  16. Good work. And just in case you've not worked it out - I didn't originally. There are 2 websites - the admin, and the public: Http://allsky.local/ admin/secret admin site Http://allsky.local/allsky fancy public website
  17. You can set it to ftp the pics to somewhere else. That way just needs outgoing, not incoming. Then host website elsewhere. Stu
  18. I think with an asi camera, you need a dew heater - its a big block of ali, and will get cold. With the cam 3, its just the board, so the small amount of heat that generates goes directly into warming the air - so no need for dew heaters. that's what I think anyway. Plus, there's the heat of the pi4 - in my enclosure it sort of warms the enclosure, therefore the top and lens, etc. It's probably possible to just stick a mobile wide angle lens on top of the camera 3 I reckon, with a bit of experimenting. it is after all, a mobile phone camera. then you get the wide angle too. you'd just need to get a sort of round mount on the cam 3 - maybe a big o-ring, 3d printed bit or something - wide angle popped on the top - and voila - you should get your 170 degrees or so if desired. stu
  19. fair enough. to be fair though I can't see how once set focus would change any more or less than on the HQ and lens ? And I did talk about the 120 degree lens. Good move with the RPI4 though, give you a lot more oomf. so far anyway mine is keeping focus. I do agree that the 120 degree lens is something you have to be happy with - or don't bother. For me - it's ideal. I suppose it depends what you want it for too - my main purpose is just cloud checking really - while I'm imaging, is it still clear, etc. The timelapses, keograms, etc are all just added bonuses. for others - focus faffing wise - just install https://github.com/Gordon999/Pi_LIbCamera_GUI it allows you to live view stars, distance, etc and adjust manually focus to work it out - then you have the value (whatever it is in libcamera divided by 100).
  20. Pic. And turns out it's resistive..so can't paint. So I've made so when corrodes and stops working can plug out and plug new one in. Looks a bit like a rubbish satellite...
  21. Just to be clear, it would see Internet if you'd joined it to yer home WiFi. I assume u mean if you'd not done that and were just connecting direct to seestar hot-spot. Then, yeh depending on phone settings, yer phone may lose Internet at that point. I can't remember how activation works, but it may be that once added seestar, you can flip back to home WiFi to activate app, thrn flip back if yer phone can't use mobile when no WiFi Internet (as I think that was quite a new android thing ?)
  22. The one on ebay sold for £780 @!!!!/ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/145386923967 Madness.
  23. Just added a rain detector. So for info on anyone else who wants to do it - just get summit like: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/354993852102 I use voicemonkey.io to setup a trigger and link voicemonkey to my Alexa. then in Alexa I can trigger that when my voiceMonkey trigger is called, Alexa shouts out to me that it has started raining. I want it to only do this if my observatory is active. So basically logic is: If my observatory (oiii is its name - fyi in code) is active, check for rain, and if raining, alert me. then don't alert me again. when it stops raining, reset the alert so can be alerted again if starts raining again. Limitations of Alexa mean I have to manually tell it if my observatory is on even though I turn it on/off with alexa - so I do this via an API call and I have two shortcuts on my phone to call that to effectively arm rain detector or disarm it. that's it basically. its python v3.9 and just runs on yer Pi, and monitors the digital pin on the rain detector (which you have tuned via the board to detect rain). Hope that make sense - but in a nutshell again - when I open the observatory roof and decide to image, I click the 'arm rain detector' button on my phone. if it rains at any time, alexa will shout out and tell me throughout the house so I can run out and close it all up.. but IF.. its just a spot and I decide to leave it as it dries up - it will still alert me later if it rains again. Whenever I shutdown, either during night or in morning, I press 'disarm rain detector' on my phone, and it won't monitor rain or send alerts anymore. I've got some testing of the detector yet - it's capacitive so makes sense to protect it with plastic or paint, etc to stop corrosion, then tune it again. And I'll mount it at an angle, and polish with car wax (as I will be doing on allsky lens) to aid water beading off. attached some code to get you started. rainDetector.py
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